
Rightyho! because of so many people asking ive made a list;
To Bita - going to leave you until youve confirmed the pic seen as you said something like not sure, do mine last. You would be next, so PM at anytime and ill make it!
Next: Kimmi2
Then: EvilPancakes
Then: Yoshipower
Then: Horus
Then: Bell_hunter
Then: Leo1
Then: tehbellman
Then i can have a break or make my sig better :D [hopefully XP]
muppetman said:
Rightyho! because of so many people asking ive made a list;
To Bita - going to leave you until youve confirmed the pic seen as you said something like not sure, do mine last. You would be next, so PM at anytime and ill make it!
Next: Kimmi2
Then: EvilPancakes
Then: Yoshipower
Then: Horus
Then: Bell_hunter
Then: Leo1
Then: tehbellman
Then i can have a break or make my sig better :D [hopefully XP]
I pm-ed you
muppetman said:
Rightyho! because of so many people asking ive made a list;
To Bita - going to leave you until youve confirmed the pic seen as you said something like not sure, do mine last. You would be next, so PM at anytime and ill make it!
Next: Kimmi2
Then: EvilPancakes
Then: Yoshipower
Then: Horus
Then: Bell_hunter
Then: Leo1
Then: tehbellman
Then i can have a break or make my sig better :D [hopefully XP]
uber-suace, you didn't forget me like master crash did :veryhappy:
if you guys can give him little direction, i just told him like make lucas and olimar back to back in a fighting stance with pikmin and look what he made!
danny330 said:
if you guys can give him little direction, i just told him like make lucas and olimar back to back in a fighting stance with pikmin and look what he made!
Thats why he's one of the best.. (possibly THE best.)

@Muppet: You may have a break X3
Bell_Hunter said:
I want a sig please. :D
Use this Soldier

Color scheme Black and grey
It should say
Blitzkrieg/0989-5852-9472/Ready to fight
Also can you make like a misty/smokey effect
Make it say this

Thanks again
Hey muppetman, i just realized that in my Sig it says: Pootman 1324 :p Could you change it back to 1234 if it's not too much trouble? Thanks
pootman1234 said:
Hey muppetman, i just realized that in my Sig it says: Pootman 1324 :p Could you change it back to 1234 if it's not too much trouble? Thanks
Oopsie,ye ill fix that and send it with next avy
do me plz i will credit you
a sonic picture
black and blue
airhead (name)
and extra info ill blow you away
I was wondering could you make me a signature with my ACCF info on it, some Kingdom Hearts keyblade, Bob and Hopper from AC, Darkrai, and use like a blue black and green color scheme. If you could PM this to me when your done that would be awsome, just tell me what I owe you.

Thank You soooo much!
Sorry muppetman, but you sorta spelt my name wrong in the sig,
when ya get the chance could ya change the last letter to a d??


You, my friend, have just earned yourself a years worth of happy thoughts!!!!!!
man you must be tired because your making more mastakes than usual, take your time, get some sleep and every one get off his back you'll get a pm when its done or if theres a problem, relax, all of you.
muppetman said:
Sorry, i think i know someone on another site called nintendoman or something, got me confused, also, couldnt remeber the font but this one looks nice and effective, hope you like it!
You've... just improved on perfection...

:'( :'( :'( Tears of happiness

:gyroiddance: :gyroiddance: :gyroiddance: :gyroiddance:

YOU RAWWWWK!!!!!!!!!!!!