
Sarc, the legendary lucario, is compelte!
Hope you like him :p
I guess not,
Very good opening day guys, post all your requests and ill get to work ASAP tomoro!
The earlier you post the higher up on the waiting list youll be!
See you all tomoro for another good days work! (hopefully)
No of course not, even if i had gone post them and ill check tomoro, remember the earlier you request the higher up on the waiting list youll go!
ok can u make a sig that says pippy1 and my accf info(info on the left or in passport)and an accf backround
muppetman said:
Corndog said:
hmmm compition with my shop......WELL...... Good luck!!
Well, im sorry, im doing it for fun, i will advertise your thread in my first post :)
lol ya i know!! i do it for fun too...And HEY we have sompthin in common......WE BOTH DO IT FOR FREE!!... well ya cant help wen its a hobbie right!! well anyway good luck urs is already doing bettur then myne...but myne will come back up..LOL!!! and yes i hope good luck runs with u!! and ill supply u with my link and ill put ur link on myne ok!! :K bye!!
Corndog said:
muppetman said:
Corndog said:
hmmm compition with my shop......WELL...... Good luck!!
Well, im sorry, im doing it for fun, i will advertise your thread in my first post :)
lol ya i know!! i do it for fun too...And HEY we have sompthin in common......WE BOTH DO IT FOR FREE!!... well ya cant help wen its a hobbie right!! well anyway good luck urs is already doing bettur then myne...but myne will come back up..LOL!!! and yes i hope good luck runs with u!! and ill supply u with my ]kay, glad theres no hard feelings, Whats thats he link for your page? ill put it up as soon as you give me a link,
We both like same things, perhaps we could become mates ^.^
muppetman said:
Corndog said:
muppetman said:
Corndog said:
hmmm compition with my shop......WELL...... Good luck!!
Well, im sorry, im doing it for fun, i will advertise your thread in my first post :)
lol ya i know!! i do it for fun too...And HEY we have sompthin in common......WE BOTH DO IT FOR FREE!!... well ya cant help wen its a hobbie right!! well anyway good luck urs is already doing bettur then myne...but myne will come back up..LOL!!! and yes i hope good luck runs with u!! and ill supply u with my ]kay, glad theres no hard feelings, Whats thats he link for your page? ill put it up as soon as you give me a link,
We both like same things, perhaps we could become mates ^.^
yep soppose we could be friends...ILL put ur link on my post too in about 5 minutes but for right now here's my link!!

Corndog's signature shop * I MAKE SIGS FOR FREE *
