There isn't much use for them here at the moment. You can only buy things other members are selling. That will change drastically if we move. It will change if we stay too, but the vB (and IPB) currency/store systems are much more advanced. I am thinking about having a large RP-like thing at TBT. You could buy a house, various items, etc... still thinking about the said:I don't really see the point in TBT bells. We just have them to collect them. Right?stormcommander said:You'd have to recreate the topic. I'm still thinking about how people with a lot of bells can be compensated. Maybe we will let you buy stuff with them. But we are thinking people should start at 0 Bells again if we move. There will be more opportunities to make Bells this time though.JasonBurrows said:I don't care about what people say, but what about my MMC Topic and TBT Bells stormcommander????