On Indefinite Hiatus
It's stressful as heck. First off, I can't afford to live on my own which in and of itself is discouraging but I do have two people I've known since childhood who are willing to be roommates with me. Today we found out an apartment we applied to denied us because we weren't making 3x the rent which is ridiculous, I live in not California but the rent out here is about to give Cali a run for their money, and this city has nothing going for it to charge an insane amount for rent. It's discouraging because we might have to live in a less ideal area like near where shady people are and I'm not thrilled. I'm stressed the heck out and have been since the beginning of September.
Granted the apartment we applied to was the first and only one we applied to but I do know that hearing 'no' will get annoying really fast.
Granted the apartment we applied to was the first and only one we applied to but I do know that hearing 'no' will get annoying really fast.
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