Mr. Cat's Plush Toys


Tangy with a tangerine
aaa SO CUTE!

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why do i always say the same thing lol;-;

anyway these are addoorraabbleee!!
aaa SO CUTE!

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why do i always say the same thing lol;-;

anyway these are addoorraabbleee!!

Thank you! I appreciate you always coming back to take a look :)
How have I never found this thread before?! Your plushies are adorable! Plus your craftsmanship is amazing! I crochet for fun and I love seeing the work of truly talented crocheters. I also just faved your Etsy store. I so want a plush of Molly and I can't find a really nice one. When you're open again for commissions please let me know. Love these!
Massive Dump!

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@Kammm: Thank you!!!

@Valzed: Probably because this thread is a total mess, ahahah. Thank you, I always get so happy when fellow crocheters like my work, it's like the ultimate compliment! Thank you for favoriting my shop and my commissions are now open again as well. They've been closed for months and months and months!

@pawpatrolbab: Thank you!!! I have done commissions in the past and I am willing to do them again.


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Look at that group of cuties! OMGosh, I want to dive into those last 2 pics and cuddle everyone. That Katie is ADORBS! I love Katie anyway but that is a great version of her. Thank you for sharing these!
Wow, Frank looks really nice. I love eagle villagers and you did him perfectly.
having issues repsonding

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Wow, Frank looks really nice. I love eagle villagers and you did him perfectly.

Thank you! He took like an entire month of off and on work to make, it was pretty difficult to figure out how to make all of his pieces and put them together. I'm glad you like him :)

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Look at that group of cuties! OMGosh, I want to dive into those last 2 pics and cuddle everyone. That Katie is ADORBS! I love Katie anyway but that is a great version of her. Thank you for sharing these!

Thank you! The last two pictures were actually an accident and I apparently can't delete them on mobile, haha. I'm glad you enjoy them though! Thank you for all of the compliments <3
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having issues repsonding

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Thank you! He took like an entire month of off and on work to make, it was pretty difficult to figure out how to make all of his pieces and put them together. I'm glad you like him :)

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Thank you! The last two pictures were actually an accident and I apparently can't delete them on mobile, haha. I'm glad you enjoy them though! Thank you for all of the compliments <3

They were a happy accident! lol! A lot of people seem to have trouble on mobile. I think I'm lucky my phone won't let me come on here so I use my laptop. Thank you!
i saw your earlier posts and was impressed, but i'm even more blown away by the recent ones! the amount of time this must have taken. i tried to learn amigurumi but could only make balls. . . lmaooo so this is fantastic.
i saw your earlier posts and was impressed, but i'm even more blown away by the recent ones! the amount of time this must have taken. i tried to learn amigurumi but could only make balls. . . lmaooo so this is fantastic.

Thank you! Lol! Balls are a great way to start though! That's how I started. It does take sooooo much time to even make one, but it's worth it to improve. I look back at the first ones I posted and can't stand it, haha. I've definitely improved a lot since I first started.
@Valzed: Probably because this thread is a total mess, ahahah. Thank you, I always get so happy when fellow crocheters like my work, it's like the ultimate compliment! Thank you for favoriting my shop and my commissions are now open again as well. They've been closed for months and months and months!

Your work is top notch! OMGosh, I'm saving up as of today to order a Molly commission from you! I'll check on Etsy to see about how much I need to stash away. Woo hoo! It's understandable to not take commissions for a spell. Even if you have fun creating everyone needs some down time now & then.
Your work is top notch! OMGosh, I'm saving up as of today to order a Molly commission from you! I'll check on Etsy to see about how much I need to stash away. Woo hoo! It's understandable to not take commissions for a spell. Even if you have fun creating everyone needs some down time now & then.

I need something new to do and Molly is so cute! If you let me know what size you'd like I can let you know about how much it will cost. I can work on it and reserve it for you, with no obligation to actually buy it if you would choose not to. I just really want to make a new type of animal
I need something new to do and Molly is so cute! If you let me know what size you'd like I can let you know about how much it will cost. I can work on it and reserve it for you, with no obligation to actually buy it if you would choose not to. I just really want to make a new type of animal

I'm so sorry I didn't reply sooner. We were meeting with contractors to get estimates for some work we need done.

I understand wanting a new challenge in crocheting. Right now I'm crocheting a hammock for our rats' cage. It's not too challenging but it's something new.

Oh my goodness! It's so nice of you to offer to reserve Molly for me!! Let's see... I have licensed 6 inch Isabelle and K.K. plushies so I think a 6 inch Molly would look great with them - unless that size would be too hard because it's small. Then I'd say whatever you'd feel comfortable doing. I will definitely want her - no worries. I'll start saving as soon as I here back from you. Thank you so, so much!