Weak Grandpa
Those look insanely awesome!! : O
They really do look awesome! (Itadakii's characters are so cool-looking)
(responded, still doing)★▬▬ art please!❜
██◟USERNAME ) Shirohibiki
██◟STYLE ) Chibi (shaded)
██◟REFERENCE/S ) http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?267945-Doggie-s-Art-Request-Thread -- Bridgette
██◟TOTAL ) 750 TBT
You can draw her in her costume, in her regular clothes, or if you feel like it, Halloween-themed clothing would be lovely! Whatever you want is fine~
(responded, still doing)★▬▬ art please!❜
██◟USERNAME ) KainAronoele
██◟STYLE ) Chibi + shading
██◟REFERENCE/S )██◟TOTAL ) 900tbtPlease include wedding rings, if visible (just a regular silver band is fine)
Outfit -
Random pics (to better show the colors) -
Art example -
(responded, still doing)
all accepted if you're still interested! c:
doing Pokemanz bab before starting on above~~
please read first post! <3★▬▬ art please!❜
██◟USERNAME ) MrFrond
██◟STYLE ) Chibi!
██◟REFERENCE/S ) http://41.media.tumblr.com/da5cf5c947178eaa1ce0451d814932df/tumblr_inline_ntjzsb3Qjx1qmxf52_250.png
██◟TOTAL ) 500
Awesomesauce! >u< Bells sent!!! <3 <3 <3
>//u//< tqq~
all accepted if you're still interested! c:
doing Pokemanz bab before starting on above~~
★▬▬ art please!❜
██◟USERNAME ) MayorEvvie!
██◟STYLE )1
██◟REFERENCE/Shttp://i.imgur.com/nUyZoim.png ) (sorry ref is crappy! You get the jist of it?)
██◟TOTAL 400 TBT! :3
im closed until i finish the current babs! :3c
slow art is slow cause flu :^)
either way!! heres the wip please send payment when you can <3
slow art is slow cause flu :^)
either way!! heres the wip please send payment when you can <3