Buying mush parasol & other seasonal DIYs (+ some misc ones)

  1. Bells
  2. NMT
  3. TBT Bells
  4. Wishlist Items
Hey hey!

I'm going to send you a PM 💖


2 stacks maple leaves
Ski slope wall DIY
Iceberg flooring DIY
Mush wall DIY

For 80 TBT altogether~
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I can get you 10 stone stacks for 50 TBT 💖

Edit: and the iceberg flooring DIY for an additional 10 TBT
Hi hi! I got these for you:

15 black roses
Honeycomb wall DIY
Golden wall DIY
Basement flooring DIY

For 35 TBT?
ooh thank you, that'd be great! how much tbt would you like for it all? i'd just need to catalog the clothes + flooring, but the stacked magazines diy i'd definitely love to buy off you.
I’ll PM you the amount of tbt for items after i math, but the diy will be 3 tbt.
I can give you big festive tree and snowflake pochette diy. Nothing needed in return. :)