Giveaway My 10th Anniversary Giveaway (Winners Announced)

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8 hours left

Due to low participation, I will consider making my future giveaways simpler. But if you’re not interested into balloons, someone’s gotta show love for the balloon collectibles.
Thank you for hosting the giveaway, and congrats on 10 years on TBT! I think #3 is my favourite idea - some of the criteria for spending a set amount of bells, having a visitor buy an item ect. are hard to keep track of in previous games. It would definitely be nice to choose what shop upgrade you'd like directly and know how much money it'll cost. Some of the smaller shops have completely different vibes which fit some towns much better so that would be cool. I like the idea of being able to factor in the design and music of the shop.
I can’t choose between 3,4, and 5. I think if I had to put them in order I’d pick 4, 3, 5. I like 4 best because having the option to invite villagers is just so much better than having to find them.
Wishing you a happy 10th Appleversary! <3

I like idea #1 best, I'm loving all these small details to customize the house interior and would love to have all of those in NL! I really like the ambient sounds, adds greatly to the atmosphere in your house, and to your house and town theme.
The giveaway is over. Here are the winners:






The balloons will take off soon and land on your profiles.

Thank you all for entering! I’ll have another wonderful 10 years on TBT.
Yay! Thanks for the giveaway!

Funny enough, the Chrissy's mystery bunny balloon token I bought ALSO ended up purple :0
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