My battle, I mean Wii, plan


Not an actual piece of furniture.
Site Owner
Nov 7, 2004
Heartstamp Mushroom Lamp
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Pink Hybrid Rose
White Rose
Red Rose
Love Ball
Pink Candy
Heart Glow Wand
Pink Feather
This is what I'm, going to do...

Instead of getting to Walmart way earlier than I need, I will make a few trips to check on the line. My first trip there will be at 2:30 on Saturday, and then I'm seeing again at 7:00. My guess is that's I'll need to stay there at 7:00 the latest. I'll grab some food... I probably won't bring much to do while I wait though, so maybe I'll teach myself a different language in my head while I wait or somethin' like that. :gyroidsurprised: The first game I am buying myself is Call of Duty 3, which I can get at Gamestop Sunday morning ater getting store credit from trading in my GCN and some of the games (I'll probably get a measly $50 for everything). But I'll probably be the first to get the Wii here since I'm in EST! :gyroidveryhappy: Unless SL or TK are waiting in line. :gyroidverymad:
Awesome. I'm going to my Wal-mart at about 6:00, fighting off the people in my way, beating down the doors, and stealing a Wii. And too bad for you, Storm. We're waiting in line

;) I'll be sure to tell you guys about it for an hour and a half before your stores open.
[quote="Shadow_] Awesome. I'm going to my Wal-mart at about 6:00, fighting off the people in my way, beating down the doors, and stealing a Wii. And too bad for you, Storm. We're waiting in line

;) I'll be sure to tell you guys about it for an hour and a half before your stores open. [/quote]
Gah! So you'll beat me by what, 30 mins?
^_^ sorry Storm but I'm gonna beat ya to it!
tonight I plan to get a black ski mask, then since the shipments are already in I will sneak up on a best buy employee outside, knock him/her out and take shirt and name tag, then I walk casually back into the storage area grab one...or two.....and a game.....may be and extra controller, and exit through the fire escape quickly, sure the alarm will go off but I will already be hidden in the bushes when any cops/firemen arrive. oh and I forgot to say I keep the mask and put it o in the back room in case of cameras...would tis work....

[quote="Shadow_] Awesome. I'm going to my Wal-mart at about 6:00, fighting off the people in my way, beating down the doors, and stealing a Wii. And too bad for you, Storm. We're waiting in line

;) I'll be sure to tell you guys about it for an hour and a half before your stores open.
Gah! So you'll beat me by what, 30 mins? [/quote]
an hour and 30 mins, if you lived in the AST it'd be 30 minutes. You are a loser

SPORGE27 said:
^_^ sorry Storm but I'm gonna beat ya to it!
tonight I plan to get a black ski mask, then since the shipments are already in I will sneak up on a best buy employee outside, knock him/her out and take shirt and name tag, then I walk casually back into the storage area grab one...or two.....and a game.....may be and extra controller, and exit through the fire escape quickly, sure the alarm will go off but I will already be hidden in the bushes when any cops/firemen arrive. oh and I forgot to say I keep the mask and put it o in the back room in case of cameras...would tis work....

They'll find your fingerprints! :gyroidverymad:
My battle plan: Go to Best Buy when it opens at 10:00 on Sunday. Effectively hope that I'll get a Wii and an extra controller or so, plus TP. If not, repeat as necessary with Circuit City, Meijer, WalMart, and Costco.


Hopefully I won't need that, though. My Best Buy's getting somewhere 100 Wiis! :lol:
Meh, I'm going to have to wait to play it until Christmas. My parents will buy it for me, only if I promise to wait 'til Xmas. Ah well.

This is what I'm, going to do...

Instead of getting to Walmart way earlier than I need, I will make a few trips to check on the line. My first trip there will be at 2:30 on Saturday, and then I'm seeing again at 7:00. My guess is that's I'll need to stay there at 7:00 the latest. I'll grab some food... I probably won't bring much to do while I wait though, so maybe I'll teach myself a different language in my head while I wait or somethin' like that. :gyroidsurprised: The first game I am buying myself is Call of Duty 3, which I can get at Gamestop Sunday morning ater getting store credit from trading in my GCN and some of the games (I'll probably get a measly $50 for everything). But I'll probably be the first to get the Wii here since I'm in EST! :gyroidveryhappy: Unless SL or TK are waiting in line. :gyroidverymad:
Thats a good plan :yes:
SPORGE27 said:
^_^ sorry Storm but I'm gonna beat ya to it!
tonight I plan to get a black ski mask, then since the shipments are already in I will sneak up on a best buy employee outside, knock him/her out and take shirt and name tag, then I walk casually back into the storage area grab one...or two.....and a game.....may be and extra controller, and exit through the fire escape quickly, sure the alarm will go off but I will already be hidden in the bushes when any cops/firemen arrive. oh and I forgot to say I keep the mask and put it o in the back room in case of cameras...would tis work....

They'll find your fingerprints! :gyroidverymad:

:p but they don't have my fingerprints on file! So what good will it do them?

my actual plan is going to target early sunday, which opens at 8, if the line looks to big go to best buy which opens at 9, and if that too looks hopeless there is a circuit city that opens at between all those places I think I got a good shot.