My best article ever

*searches for the first thing to make a whitty comment about*

aha! : D


you could have just said "Emo"

anyway, on to your article, from what i skimmed, i'd have to disagree... i'm a backwards sorta person, so i read the end first... and just the end really. >_>

i'd have to completely disagree, we do not need graphics in the least... while they help with things, all they do is put a hike in costs... and coming from a graphics magician, i can honestly say that making 400 beautiful models would be like shooting me in the back... all it does is add on to the price to the game, and double or even tripple the price in the system... its not a good thing.

and all of this is for the "lastest" in technology, which, in six years will be bottom of the line and kicked around, you will look at your PS3 and Wii six years from now, and see "dated" graphics, and if thats your systems main focus, you're pretty much hosed... there wont be anything left, but if you've got excellent gameplay, thats pretty much all you'll need... you can have a fun time with a cheap system that isn't a powerhouse if its used correctly... i'm not saying the PS3 is going to suck, it'll look great... for now... but from what i've seen it, it looks no different from my old N64, and when was the last time i played that? about a year and a half ago... most games there relied on graphics, and are now trash... of course you're going to have good games in there, every system has good games... hopefully.

I'll try to tie this into something related, yet off subject. as usual.

the topic is Women, or in a womans case, men.

Like what you look for in a spouse, if you're centered around their looks, you'll be disappointed, no matter who it is, they'll all get old, you'll all be old people some day, assuming you dont die before then... either way, you're old, you're not quite as sexy as you used to be... if you're going in a relationship for looks, you're pretty much screwing yourself over down the road... the ideal person would have great looks, and a great personality... however for this tie-in, we're assuming you're either sexy and dull as a rock, or not-so-sexy, and have a personality of a... fox... sure.

so yeah... good luck reading that... and if you're not, whatever... uhh... its night now... so.... later.
Wow, did THIS article generate LOTS of awesome discussion.


+1 knowledge and respect for me.
I like this article the most out of all of mine because it tries something DIFFERENT. It doesn't go for the usual... It's out of the ordinary.
I don't agree with what you said because, true, graphics can impress a non-gamer, but simplicity is what non-gamers actually play. Most games with good graphics are complex.
I disagree with you, Bul. I don't really think graphics are that important. Part of the reason my freinds like videogames is because they don't have realistic graphics.
Koehler said:
I disagree with you, Bul. I don't really think graphics are that important. Part of the reason my freinds like videogames is because they don't have realistic graphics.
You obviously didn't read it... :\

Was my main point to talk about REALISTIC graphics?
Bulerias said:
Koehler said:
I disagree with you, Bul. I don't really think graphics are that important. Part of the reason my freinds like videogames is because they don't have realistic graphics.
You obviously didn't read it... :\

Was my main point to talk about REALISTIC graphics?
I said photorealistic graphics are merely ONE WAY to appealing towards the non-gamer
Bulerias said:
Koehler said:
I disagree with you, Bul. I don't really think graphics are that important. Part of the reason my freinds like videogames is because they don't have realistic graphics.
You obviously didn't read it... :\

Was my main point to talk about REALISTIC graphics?
I said photorealistic graphics are merely ONE WAY to appealing towards the non-gamer
Yes, and was that my MAIN POINT? I said it was ONE WAY.
Bulerias said:
Bulerias said:
Koehler said:
I disagree with you, Bul. I don't really think graphics are that important. Part of the reason my freinds like videogames is because they don't have realistic graphics.
You obviously didn't read it... :\

Was my main point to talk about REALISTIC graphics?
I said photorealistic graphics are merely ONE WAY to appealing towards the non-gamer
Yes, and was that my MAIN POINT? I said it was ONE WAY.
I mean that non-gamers appreciate graphics, and so should REAL gamers!

Same thing.
Bulerias said:
Bulerias said:
Koehler said:
I disagree with you, Bul. I don't really think graphics are that important. Part of the reason my freinds like videogames is because they don't have realistic graphics.
You obviously didn't read it... :\

Was my main point to talk about REALISTIC graphics?
I said photorealistic graphics are merely ONE WAY to appealing towards the non-gamer
Yes, and was that my MAIN POINT? I said it was ONE WAY.
I mean that non-gamers appreciate graphics, and so should REAL gamers!

Same thing.

You didn't read my main point in the "In Conclusion" thing. Koehler picked out a thing he thought was my main point. ONE of the points and a MAIN point are different things.

Bulerias said:
Your "main point" is based off of those points.
You listed only one point.

The other points too. But you should have stated what the main idea is in the beginning.