My brother keeps using MY TABLET AND LAPTOP!

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Bulerias said:
Eh. The kid is 7, and also your brother -- why not let him use the tablet/laptop? Seriously man, your money or not, if you guys are brothers, you better cut this out or your problems will get much worse as the years go by.
It's no need to baby someone.

I was the younger brother and could always feel the pain for my older brother :c

But now we're both matured and what he always did to me in the past really doesn't matter.

Go to your mom and ask her to think of the scenario that if he had something that he was on, and you interrupted and barged in on him and took over what he was doing, that they'd obviously get mad.

Tell them to please not be one sided and think about your feelings.
Mean Way:I say if he's playing a game or watching TV changethe channel or play the game and take over if he cries then tell him thats how you fell when he takes the laptop

Nice(er) Way: Tell your mom that he could break it and its expensive to get it fixed

Nicest Way:Just Arrange times where when you are not on it he can play and vice versa for one of his thing he uses

Meanest Way:Tell him its yours and that he should not be babied and that if he really wants it tell him to save christmas/birthday money
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