My fiance' has Merengue


Junior Member
Jul 15, 2013
Throwback Tickets
He has Merengue, and he likes her a lot. However, someone told him he could probably make a lot of bells by trading her? Is this true? What would he be able to possibly get from trading her?

(She still has her sweets furniture items in her house)

Thanks for any info :)!!

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One word: gamefaqs.

You wanna sell a villager for top price? Go to gamefaqs. You want to sell a villager for more than what you'd make on TBT? Go to gamefaqs. Want to sell Merengue for like 40-90m? Go to gamefaqs. Wanna go to gamefaqs? Go to gamefaqs.
One word: gamefaqs.

You wanna sell a villager for top price? Go to gamefaqs. You want to sell a villager for more than what you'd make on TBT? Go to gamefaqs. Want to sell Merengue for like 40-90m? Go to gamefaqs. Wanna go to gamefaqs? Go to gamefaqs.

This is totally random...but I literally "lol'd" when i read that. Hahahaa
You trade villagers by:

1. Waiting until they ask to move, then say yes. If they decide to move, good. Don't, keep trying.

2. TT{or wait} to one day before their move date. Add the person who wants Merengue.

3. Let the person into your town. Have them drop the money, then they go talk to Merengue. They will decide to move to their town.

4. TT{or wait} for Merengue to move out and make sure the other person has too, and viola! You've traded a villager to someone else.
It's like a regular auction where the winner has the highest bid. The person receiving the villager MUST have an open spot in their town and the person running auction MUST have that character packed up (they can TT to get to that point) in order for the exchange to work.

From there they visit you or you visit them (Dunno if it matters. I can't say for sure since I've never bought a villager and the villagers I've gotten from other people I dunno if I visited them or they visited me the day before). The villager should pop up the next day in the winner's town as a plot. They'll officially move in the day after.

EDIT: Kippla beat me to it. XD
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Thanks for all the info everyone :) Is there anyone on here that would be interested in buying her?

Just to see.
