My first Homemade Signature! :)


Salmon Run Survivalist
Aug 17, 2013
Special Snowflake
Night Sky Scenery
Shooting Star
Night Sky Scenery
Special Snowflake
So, tonight I decided to try making my own signature for the first time. What do you guys think? I kept it simple since it's my first one I've ever made, so keep that in mind. I also notice that the quality is a bit fuzzy, but I will work on that for the next one I make. Thanks! :)

All credit goes to Hoeass for the sprites.
I think its really neat!

Preferably the font doesn't suit me, but for a first time signatures, I've seen a lot worse. Looks like your on your way to siggy making!
Yeh, it's pretty nice, but like above poster said, the font doesn't suit. But yeah, you definitely are on the way to making great signatures!
As others have said, the font's a little plain and doesn't suit too well.. But you've done a great job! I like how clear it is.. Some people make sigs that are really cluttered and you can't read it properly.. So well done :)