My gameplay commentaries

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kalinn said:
NikoKing said:
kalinn said:
Shout out to the night owls, yes?
holy crap I totally forgot about the night owls.

does anyone have that damn owl pic with the owls and the usernames?

@thread: I can't think of any criticism, but I guess you could try to relax a bit more like hell said.
XD That's nice, random pear ftw.

Anyway, on-topic, Holy Moses your voice is deep o_o

...That's not really on-topic is it.
Thunderstruck said:
kalinn said:
NikoKing said:
kalinn said:
Shout out to the night owls, yes?
holy crap I totally forgot about the night owls.

does anyone have that damn owl pic with the owls and the usernames?

@thread: I can't think of any criticism, but I guess you could try to relax a bit more like hell said.
XD That's nice, random pear ftw.

Anyway, on-topic, Holy Moses your voice is deep o_o

...That's not really on-topic is it.
Is it really? :p
I don't notice too much.
Pear said:
Thunderstruck said:
kalinn said:
NikoKing said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
XD That's nice, random pear ftw.

Anyway, on-topic, Holy Moses your voice is deep o_o

...That's not really on-topic is it.
Is it really? :p
I don't notice too much.
Heh, maybe i'm just used to everyone in my house's semi-deep voice. Either that or i always pictured you with a higher voice =S
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