My Gate is Open!

Hey, Check on the down left and it will have my details! Please add me now.
Wifi Is Down.

I was on hold for about 45 minutes, but I finally got to speak to someone. It seems that someone tried to hack Nintendo's Wi-Fi through City Folk. They said it was a pretty big deal and they're doing everything possible to get the connection back up. They told me to try again in 15 to 45 mins. Apparently it shook the system pretty bad, but they assure me it will be back up.

That Is The story.
Nickolaus said:
Hey, You been added Rob.
Do I have to close my gate then re open it to have you registered for you to come
visit? Because i registered you while my gate was open.
Nickolaus said:
I keep getting error code 61070 it looks like it.
Alright. I just read a topic that said just because my Gate is open, doesn't mean
the wifi is going to work. Oh well. At least we have each other registered. I am
pretty active and always have my gate open when I play :)
Somehow I keep getting error code 61070 and that is my Wii Speak or my Router.
Nickolaus said:
Somehow I keep getting error code 61070 and that is my Wii Speak or my Router.
Everyone has been getting that today. According to one of the other topics, someone
tried to hack into Nintendo Wi-fi and has stopped the servers for right now.
Other games like Mario Kart and Smash Brothers are also having trouble online.