My Gate is Open!

This seems weird but I never tryed it on Mario Kart Wii but on Animal Crossing all day last nigh and today I had error codes 61070 since I got Wii Speak...
Nickolaus said:
This seems weird but I never tryed it on Mario Kart Wii but on Animal Crossing all day last nigh and today I had error codes 61070 since I got Wii Speak...
That's not good at all because that obviously means something is wrong with Ninte-
ndo's Wii Speak and thousands of people own Wii Speak.
madison_of_townsvil said:
Ya I know :( And I just started swaping codes today and was all excited to get online,
and of course with my luck, this crap happens right when Im about to meet up with
someone. haha.
i just went out to buy wii speak thinking ''Oh,its not a big deal,it'll be back on when i get home and ill be able to use wii speak for the first time''...

madison_of_townsvil said:
i just went out to buy wii speak thinking ''Oh,its not a big deal,it'll be back on when i get home and ill be able to use wii speak for the first time''...

Hahaha wow that sucks. I am sorry. I don't have Wii Speak so I wasn't all that
excited. Oh well. Hopefully it will be back up tomorrow and we will all for sure know
tomorrow what exactly went wrong tonight with the suppossed hacking crap. Ugh.
Hey, I am getting off. See ya later. See you around tommorow morning. Hopefully Wi-Fi will be working...