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Smash Smash Bros 3DS Review
As many of you may know, the newest Smash Bros game is out and for the first time, it's on a handheld. Let's take a look at Super Smash Bros for 3DS.
There is many different modes for you to play in. Smash is the classic smash, where you can battle CPU's or battle against your nearby friends. Online is where you connect to the Internet and you can battle your friends online, battle anyone, Spectate which is where you watch other players matches or you can do conquest which is where you vote for a team and if the team you voted for wins, you can get rewards. The next mode is challenge, which is a board of different quests to do to unlock various different rewards. Smash Run is new to the Smash Bros series, and is only exclusive to the 3DS version. It's where you collect stats by battling different enemies and after 5 minutes, you all compete in a epic match with what you collected. You can play Smash Run with people nearby, but not people online which is a shame. And if you want to you can customize the music you hear when your playing Smash Run. In Games and More you can play Classic and All-star mode by yourself or with friends. There is options for sound, controls and the outline of your character. In this game you can choose your character to have no outline, a thin outline or a thick outline. Another feature new to Smash Bros is the customization. You can now customize your character with different moves or upgraded moves or equipment that can up your stats. In Smash Run you can customize them with one other option and is where you can put powers such as a super jump or super fast running. Your Mii Fighters can be customized the same way but with different outfits such as hats or clothes. You have to unlock the hats and clothes, which adds to collectability. The trophy collectables are back and the same as ever, with the only new feature about them is you can buy Trophies with play coins. The controls take some time to get used to but when you get used to them, they are the easiest controls to use. The are tight controls that are not very confusing. In the game there are 37 characters you start with, and 12 to unlock which brings to be a total of 49 characters to play as. Overall I give Super Smash Bros for the 3DS a smashing 9.0 score. This is a must-have for the 3DS.
As many of you may know, the newest Smash Bros game is out and for the first time, it's on a handheld. Let's take a look at Super Smash Bros for 3DS.
There is many different modes for you to play in. Smash is the classic smash, where you can battle CPU's or battle against your nearby friends. Online is where you connect to the Internet and you can battle your friends online, battle anyone, Spectate which is where you watch other players matches or you can do conquest which is where you vote for a team and if the team you voted for wins, you can get rewards. The next mode is challenge, which is a board of different quests to do to unlock various different rewards. Smash Run is new to the Smash Bros series, and is only exclusive to the 3DS version. It's where you collect stats by battling different enemies and after 5 minutes, you all compete in a epic match with what you collected. You can play Smash Run with people nearby, but not people online which is a shame. And if you want to you can customize the music you hear when your playing Smash Run. In Games and More you can play Classic and All-star mode by yourself or with friends. There is options for sound, controls and the outline of your character. In this game you can choose your character to have no outline, a thin outline or a thick outline. Another feature new to Smash Bros is the customization. You can now customize your character with different moves or upgraded moves or equipment that can up your stats. In Smash Run you can customize them with one other option and is where you can put powers such as a super jump or super fast running. Your Mii Fighters can be customized the same way but with different outfits such as hats or clothes. You have to unlock the hats and clothes, which adds to collectability. The trophy collectables are back and the same as ever, with the only new feature about them is you can buy Trophies with play coins. The controls take some time to get used to but when you get used to them, they are the easiest controls to use. The are tight controls that are not very confusing. In the game there are 37 characters you start with, and 12 to unlock which brings to be a total of 49 characters to play as. Overall I give Super Smash Bros for the 3DS a smashing 9.0 score. This is a must-have for the 3DS.