My Smash Records


Senior Member
Oct 6, 2005
Play time - 121:29
Single Player - 61:14
Verse - 55:05
Verse Matches - 1,494
-time 463
-stock 665
-coin 100
-bonus 32
Verse Play Contestants - 2,023
Total Damage - 1,160,419
KOs - 7,130
Self-destructs - 1,212
Trophies - 287
Longest Time Played by a Character - Captain Falcon
Shortest Time Played by a Character - Pichu
Courses - All
Characters - All
Trohpies - 287

*I share with Darth, but he doesn't play much. OMG! Don't edit my post, and plus, you barely play so stop! I will report you next time!

Post some of yours.

Note: these aren't all of the records...just some of them
Wow you play alot. I stoped playing after a while but I still play once and a while.
PKMNMasterSamus said:
Anybody going to post their records



:yawn: >_< >_< >_< :mez: :mez:
Those are good. Oh, and PKMN, please don't do this, that is spam. Just thought I'd let you know.

Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
PKMNMasterSamus said:
Anybody going to post their records -_- -_- -_- :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: >_< >_< >_< :mez: :mez:
Those are good. Oh, and PKMN, please don't do this, that is spam. Just thought I'd let you know.

Kay, I won't do it again.

I wonder if I have the best records at TBT :D.
Power Count - 487
Power Time - 920:52
Play Time - 328:15
Single-Player Time - 72:24
VS. Play Time - 255:50
Combined VS. Play Time - 427:07
VS Play Match Total - 3012
Time Match Total - 622
Stock Match Total - 2015
Coin Match Total - 9
Bonus Match Total - 7
VS Play Contestants - 6615
Match Reset Counter - 1081
Total Damage - 4954519
KO Total - 35930
Self-Destruct Total - 5831
Available Characters - All
Available Maps - All
Trophy Count - 265
Name Total - 44

Sorry PKMN, but you just got owned.
Oooooh, you got owned :p, that's all I checked :p, I didn't specifically look for any others. I'll do that later, I'm too tired now

We'll see who gets the last laugh when SSB wifi comes out

:p :lol: :evillaugh:
As long as Captain Falcon is in the game, then I shall never lose!
I have 280 something, which is the same amount I've had since 2002.