My Story


Senior Member
Sep 12, 2015
Tasty Cake
Good day everyone, just got back into the game after two years off and your community seems quite upbeat and positive. Truth be told, I forgot how much I used to enjoy the game... well, until Lyman left.

- Story Time -

I should elaborate, I suppose.

Two years ago, I got this game on recommendation from a friend. I'd never played any of the predecessors, and was happy to find it quite a fun game. Not being able to play big blocks of time seems to keep it well paced, I think.

But anyway, at the start I remember Maple, Olivia, Lobo and Elmer. They seemed like okay villagers, and I didn't overly dislike any. So I started my town, Rapture. A little hamlet on the sea. It was small, but I enjoyed it well enough.

And then a house went up next to the town square. Lyman.

That green bodybuilding koala. His personality genuinely made me laugh on far too many occasions. Being Australian, I didn't know koalas were even in the game, and I felt that connection immediately. But man, he made me laugh. And so he quickly became my favourite villager. Any time I turned on the game, I'd seek him out early to see if he had any quests to do. His comedy in itself really solidified my like of him ('This isn't drool, I... yeah! I was sweating from my mouth!').

And then one day, Lyman told me he was moving away.

I have a rule that, if a villager wants to leave, you let them go. And so I wished him luck. I spent as much time with him as I could, but it didn't change his departure date. His final gift to me was his photograph. I had not then, nor have I since, been given another by any villager.

But there it was. Lyman was my best mate. And I waved as he left.

A new villager took his place; funnily enough, another sporty type, Pierce the eagle. But even though the personality was the same, it felt like a cheap recasting. Soon afterwards, I put the game aside. I went into my house and closed the door. It would be over two years until I opened it again.

Rapture breathes once more. The weeds are gone, and my public works march on. Lyman's photograph sits in my house as it has, but I look forward to the future. Because who knows? Perhaps I'll be able to find another good mate out there.


Sorry if that was a strange introduction, but I am glad to be here. Hope to find everyone well and in high spirits.

Oh, and if you do see Lyman? Say hi for me :p
Hello! Welcome to TBT forums~ :D
I love the Koalas, they're adorable.
Aww, that's cute

you can actually get lyman to move in again if you have 16 villagers move out after him :)
Thanks, I thought Catherine was a very underrated game :)

And thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I may not be as big-league as many on here seem to be, but I hope to get along with everyone just fine
That's a great story. I have never met Lyman, but I understand getting attached to a villager. And you're right, another animal can say the exact same thing, but it doesn't have the same impact as when your fav says it. I lost one of my favorites when Bill moved out without any advance notice. He had been with me since the beginning. And I have never met another jock villager that I enjoyed talking to like Bill. Welcome to the boards, from another new member!
Thanks everyone, I'm enjoying my time here already. Everyone is quite pleasant, and I'm just taking my time reading topics and slowly learning things about the game that I didn't know.

In other news, Olivia backed out of leaving. So I guess there's that at least :)
That was a very unique tale and an excellent way to introduce yourself as a player.

And yes, sometimes wishing a villager a fond farewell will make them reconsider leaving. Happens to me all the time.
What a touching introduction. Welcome to the boards!

It is a special thing when we connect with one of the villagers. We each have those animals where we did not choose them, it feels like they chose us.

You have Lyman. You may not have him in your town right now but you have the special memories of him in your heart.

Hopefully you can connect with someone else - perhaps with a different personality, because as I have seen the ones with the same personality say the same things as our best friends of the past, but they do not feel the same. As you have said, it feels like cheap recasting.

I haven't seen Lyman around in months - I had a cycle town and tried to find a home for him, but in the end he decided to find his own way.

If you ever want to cycle the 16 villagers out, and if I find Lyman in my cycle town, it would be an honor to bring two friends back together again. Until then, treasure the memories....

...and find camaraderie here on the boards.
N'aww that was a good intro, made me smile!
Welcome to the TBT forums! Hope you enjoy your time here ^-^