My Thoughts on Mumble


Retired Staff
Nov 4, 2008
Lump of Coal
Dark Candy
Blue Mote of Flame
Purple Feather
Pink Feather
Blue Feather
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Ancient Lantern
Dusty Scroll
Snow Globe
I launched the Mumble server on a whim and when I opened it I wasn't entirely sure what to expect. We started with a select few of us being regulars every day; Jen, River and Myself with Kayla, Lauren and a few others coming along soon after.

There was a lot of apprehension from many people about whether it was a good idea, and many more people being apprehensive to join and speak mostly due to confidence. This seemed to quickly pass though, and we started gaining a group of friends formed mostly from strangers. It felt very.. open and welcoming. It was enjoyable to spend the afternoon, or in some cases at the beginning, the entire day and night chatting to everybody.

This lasted up until about Christmas. I got a job with exhausting hours and these open groups of friends started branching off into smaller groups, often abandoning Mumble due to tension between the groups and just creating Skype calls.

Personally, I hate Skype. Sure, it allows for video calling but in terms of community, it shuts everybody off who isn't already a part of your friend group. It feels elitist and invite-only. I guess that's the point, but for me, I much prefer the openness that the Mumble provides. It gives the constant opportunity to meet new people and form new friendships with people who share common interests. I also prefer the push-to-talk aspect. When in a large group you can quickly become overwhelmed in a Skype call. In Mumble, everybody gets their chance to speak.

Even for me, I feel unwelcome. In the few times that Mumble is active I tend to not feel like joining. I hate to think how completely new people feel.

Because of all of this, I am considering shutting down the Mumble. If people prefer to have closed groups then unfortunately there's nothing I can do to alter that and I am unable to be online because of career requirements to moderate what a few people have told me is becoming a "horrible place to be".

We'll see how things go, I suppose. I just wanted to air my thoughts on the subject.
I wish Skype had a push to talk aspect.

Honestly, if nobody uses it, and you want to shut it down, do it. I've had fun with it in the past but honestly, if you feel like you want to shut it down, then do it. It's your money that you earned, you have every right to do with it what you want. If you want to shut it down, then by all means, do so. I hope you don't think you have an obligation to keep it up.
I wish Skype had a push to talk aspect.

Honestly, if nobody uses it, and you want to shut it down, do it. I've had fun with it in the past but honestly, if you feel like you want to shut it down, then do it. It's your money that you earned, you have every right to do with it what you want. If you want to shut it down, then by all means, do so. I hope you don't think you have an obligation to keep it up.

if he wants to should he do it?
The money isn't an issue, it isn't expensive. I just feel like it's harming the community more than it is doing good at this point. That was the original idea behind it, to bring the community closer together.
I really enjoyed the Mumble server and I'm really going to miss it. I remember being pretty nervous about joining it, but on nights where we got a lot of games and discussion going, it was really worth it. Especially around Christmas time, it was great doing that small get together before everyone took off to spend time with loved ones or to get drunk to party all the way to New Years. Spent many nights playing Prop Hunt with others there too. More of a fan of Mumble, but usually when I'm around there's nobody to talk to so I'm pretty discouraged on leaving AFK channel.
You're paying money for the Mumble server? Save your bucks, man. I think I went on once. Or twice? It was pretty boring to be honest, nobody was talking about anything interesting. Jake was making me laugh though. I've also seen how everyone is in their own little groups now, that's pretty dumb. Nobody interesting goes on anymore anyway. If you feel like you need to shut it down, go ahead and do it.

Also, shut down the IRC while you're at it.
mumble was fun until people got salty so when I got a new cp i just never downloaded it again - people never really seemed to care about new people so I see what you mean, it became pretty much a skype chat, and so if new people joined the group would slowly migrate away
everyone is in their own little groups now

This is pretty much why I dont go out of my way to try and make friends, whether online or in real life. Cliques are always formed, and I am never included in anything. I completely agree Jas0n's line of "It feels elitist and invite-only". That applies to so many things nowadays.

Also, I didnt know we had a Mumble here until I by a whim clicked this thread to read it.
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I went there a few times and no one was talking or no one was on, so eventually I stopped going on :x it's a nice idea though.

But if I'm reading this correctly, you're saying you want to shut it down because you're afraid it will harm the community? I don't think it does, and maybe you guys can implement it back in with the Bell Tree Fair or something.
I had fun going to mumble before I got sick that time and bored. Made me feel better when joining TF 2 and talk with you guys (also goofing off with Kuma)

Throwback!! (I know its not Thursday) :)
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I downloaded it but, after going on once, I decided to stick to IRC chat. As said before, I also feel that mostly people in their own 'groups' are welcome there. Because of this not many people use it. It was also kind of annoying to set up properly and, despite looking through lots of youtube tutorials, I never really got the swizzle of it.

Even if it doesn't cost much, I think it'd be better for you to save those pennies.
i personally would feel terrified to join, not because i dont voice chat, but because its too open, if that makes sense.

some clarification: i use guild vent servers and such when i play MMOs. those are confined, they have a set roster. here, literally any user could pop in and i would most likely have 500 heart attacks. suffice it to say, my social anxiety is too high for something like this.

if no one else is going and theyve all formed little cliques, its best not to waste your money. im sorry that that happened, though.
I'm sure there are still other (maybe even free) ways to bring the TBT community together more.
Seriously guys, the money isn't the problem. I make enough money in 4 hours at work to pay for the entire year of Mumble.
I really enjoyed mumble when it first launched for the community. I liked the tight knit friends I made by using mumble that I most likely would not have interacted with without the use of mumble.

Though, I must say, I hate what its become, you are correct with saying that people branched off into their own little groups, and I'm guilty just as much as anybody else. I also got pissed off when people would join and take over the channel when those that were in the channel before hand were having a genuine conversation, or were using the channel to communicate during games, which I believe was part of your intention when you created the mumble server to begin with.

Being someone who has made friends with a few of the random mumble surfers (Dapper Dan, Melody, and a select few others), I'd be sad to see it go but I completely understand your reasoning. It's not what it use to be, and I agree, its harming the community. Others may disagree with me, but I being one who feels like this community has gone to the dogs, along with several other people who have used mumble from the get go who have or have thought or are slowly leaving the community.

Sorry for the long ranty post but you asked for opinions.