What I said also applies to the IRC. Everyone's got their own little clique. Not in one? Tough. No one's talking to you outside of the initial "hi" when you join the chat. I tried. Didn't work. So I didn't go back.
I agree, 100% even if you've been a long time user of the IRC and Mumble. Its mostly the people who like to get drunk with each other.
Its really funny, because I brought this up with ProfGallows, how when I started to date somebody who is rather popular around here, people started talking to me like I was just as popular when nothing changed at all. Gallows said that it was just because I seemed to be more open to chatting but that's complete BS, I've always been open to chatting, its just nobody wanted to chat besides in the initial 'hi' and sometimes that doesn't happen anymore, so like you, I've stopped going on the irc or mumble.
The funny thing is, there are people making fun of people in the public on the IRC, Jen being one of the people that a lot of people make her the joke, people gossip, and the cliques get worse. So really, is there a point to advertising the IRC and Mumble for the community when the only people seemingly 'allowed' to talk are the people who are in the 'in' crowd? I don't know how many times I've seen new people come into the chat to talk about animal crossing, and somebody has told them that nobody wants that in the IRC, while I agree the IRC is used for general discussion, and the newness of animal crossing has worn off, its still not polite to turn people away because they come to an IRC channel that belongs to a ANIMAL CROSSING forum.
Or even so, when newbies join, they don't talk about what the 'in' crowd are talking about, or say something that isn't 'cool' and get shunned away so really, is this a welcoming community?