My Thoughts on Mumble

i only ever went for pally mino and sockhead and they are never there so idc
I'll try and stay OT. If the original concept for Mumble isn't being utilized then bury it. I've tried the chat and feel left out. What @Adol said I ditto. This problem is boardwise but that's common. Nice of you to ask but hey, do whatever you want.
What I said also applies to the IRC. Everyone's got their own little clique. Not in one? Tough. No one's talking to you outside of the initial "hi" when you join the chat. I tried. Didn't work. So I didn't go back.
If we want the community closer were gonna need about 60000 moving trucks and 53 gigatons of superglue.

in cereal though i think if its been hit by elitist syndrome its time to close,
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I think we need something, but I don't know. I never really liked mumble, but if there was something else, I dunno.
What I said also applies to the IRC. Everyone's got their own little clique. Not in one? Tough. No one's talking to you outside of the initial "hi" when you join the chat. I tried. Didn't work. So I didn't go back.

I agree, 100% even if you've been a long time user of the IRC and Mumble. Its mostly the people who like to get drunk with each other.

Its really funny, because I brought this up with ProfGallows, how when I started to date somebody who is rather popular around here, people started talking to me like I was just as popular when nothing changed at all. Gallows said that it was just because I seemed to be more open to chatting but that's complete BS, I've always been open to chatting, its just nobody wanted to chat besides in the initial 'hi' and sometimes that doesn't happen anymore, so like you, I've stopped going on the irc or mumble.

The funny thing is, there are people making fun of people in the public on the IRC, Jen being one of the people that a lot of people make her the joke, people gossip, and the cliques get worse. So really, is there a point to advertising the IRC and Mumble for the community when the only people seemingly 'allowed' to talk are the people who are in the 'in' crowd? I don't know how many times I've seen new people come into the chat to talk about animal crossing, and somebody has told them that nobody wants that in the IRC, while I agree the IRC is used for general discussion, and the newness of animal crossing has worn off, its still not polite to turn people away because they come to an IRC channel that belongs to a ANIMAL CROSSING forum.

Or even so, when newbies join, they don't talk about what the 'in' crowd are talking about, or say something that isn't 'cool' and get shunned away so really, is this a welcoming community?
If we want the community closer were gonna need about 60000 moving trucks and 53 gigatons of superglue.

in cereal though i think if its been hit by elitist syndrome its time to close,

No, the way to bring the community together is to put a collectible in a thread. Then everyone will charge for it, resulting in everyone being closer together on the same thread. :)
What I said also applies to the IRC. Everyone's got their own little clique. Not in one? Tough. No one's talking to you outside of the initial "hi" when you join the chat. I tried. Didn't work. So I didn't go back.

Guilty as charged. I try saying hi to most who join, though some of ya'll don't stay for longer than 30 seconds. Kinda hard to start up convos with people you don't really know and have that roll alongside whatever the "main" topic is in the IRC. Kind of a shame to see a bunch of ACers join the IRC only to leave once they see we don't much talk AC there.
No, the way to bring the community together is to put a collectible in a thread. Then everyone will charge for it, resulting in everyone being closer together on the same thread. :)

i dont collect collectibes though
I really think just certain groups, I mean, some people might like Mumble, and don't like specific groups
Personally, I think it's just a select few people who end up ruining it for everyone else and caused it to be such a split in the first place :/

Not much fun when someone randomly comes in just to insult you then leaves.
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Guilty as charged. I try saying hi to most who join, though some of ya'll don't stay for longer than 30 seconds. Kinda hard to start up convos with people you don't really know and have that roll alongside whatever the "main" topic is in the IRC. Kind of a shame to see a bunch of ACers join the IRC only to leave once they see we don't much talk AC there.

I was on there during the Easter event and the chat was being controlled by a select few. Any attempt I made at joining in got dismissed. The other day I went on (have tried numerous times) but left immediately. The convo was pure filth. When there are 12 and 13 year olds chatting with older members and words being used that would make the FCC blush, yep I exited. So there's a reason we log off. Many reasons.
I'm honestly really surprised to hear that people would come on to mumble just insult others from the boards. Obviously I haven't been around for too long but I definitely don't get that vibe from this forum at all.
I'm honestly really surprised to hear that people would come on to mumble just insult others from the boards. Obviously I haven't been around for too long but I definitely don't get that vibe from this forum at all.

I don't recall hearing anything like that, I mean we'd talk about members, but we never really badmouthed any (though Sock is a target often). River was referring to the IRC chat, where it's nothing but text.

@Blizzard: We're guilty of swearing like sailors and the recent conversation topics have been very weird, so I've kind of been avoiding the IRC because it's been annoying.
Another thing, I don't see the staff trying to defeat the problem at all, with the select few of the clique going around, why in the world do they get voiced, halfop, or even oped if they don't know how to do the jobs that are assigned to those positions? And no, I'm not salty over it because I could care less, its just seen in my eyes as staff promoting whats been going on. Props to those who control it, and I agree that a select few deserve those positions but others really do not.

Another thing, why are select few 'regular' members allowed to get away with things that any newbie would be kicked or even banned for? I'm not referring to the IRC but the forums, such as a certain thread that popped up in the last few days, please tell me if somebody with about 50 posts joined and posted something like that that it would stay up?

I'm sorry that this has turned into much more than just the mumble that Jason was asking for but its a community problem.
I agree with River. That said therr are even some new people who get away with a lot for whatever reason.
Well, I think most people know I feel the rules aren't upheld strict enough as it is.

Personally, I feel every single person should follow the rules and I think there's too much leeway on them. But people say I'm too strict. It's part of the reason I stay out of the Basement and Cafe now and focus more on the Animal Crossing forums :/

The convo was pure filth. When there are 12 and 13 year olds chatting with older members and words being used that would make the FCC blush, yep I exited. So there's a reason we log off. Many reasons.

^I agree with this so much. With a forum that is aimed at a game for all ages, I really feel all content should be kept under that too and there's so much that is allowed that really really isn't :(
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I only have been on the Mumble a few times, and quite bluntly, I don't care about it. I would shut it down if I were in your shoes.

Sometimes I feel excluded on the IRC too. I just sometimes don't feel I'm welcome in the IRC at some points. Other times I'm happy to chat, and that's one of the reasons why I use the IRC from time to time. I've been insulted on my mafia ability, but I'm sure that many would agree that's it's with rather good reason (INACTIVITY!).