My town

Dark Mirage

Senior Member
Nov 8, 2006
To anyone who has seen the news coverings of Vidor the town i live in its not as bad off as its seems please remember that the people cnn show are knownn racists and racist white people make up about 7% of our poplulation here its not the whole town yes we did have som,e stuff to do with the kkk but that was #) FRIGGIN YEARS AGO not recently so remember its not a bad place just has a bad PAST its not as bad as the book or news says..... and this is getting out of control
CNN decided to put the rednecks of our town together and give false veiws of our city out to the nation in their "Racism in America " program and went to the near by metropolis beuamont and asked people about vidor and they told the cnn reporters 20-40 stories of the kk and such in vidor and not about how we have a good education system and about how we have som,e of the states top ranking scores.. they interveiwed old racists farts and gave the impression that our whole town is racist