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My Unpopular Opinions... Yours?

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1. I hate tight fitting and revealing clothing. Bring on the comfort.
2. My phone isn't my life.
3. I love math. It's honestly one of my favorite subjects.
4. Sonic Heroes was a great game.
5. Make up is disgusting.
6. Babies are gross and a waste of time and money.

you were a baby at some point too...
1: I can't remember the last time I watched TV.
2: I am not religious but I am respectful of those who are.
3:I don't like most makeup.
4: I like America more than my own country in a way.
5: I like school.
6: I like English more than art.
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I never want to have kids, not because I don't like them (I actually really do), but because I don't think I could bear seeing my own child go through those hard things life throws at us and watch them struggle. Sure, accomplishments are great, but then there's those moments when they lose a friend or get in a bad fight or something like that. It's not their fault they were born, and they didn't choose to live. Who knows though, maybe I'll change my mind when I'm old enough ;;
to wish humans were born with physical and mental capabilities? XD do you know the toll that would put on pregnant women? everything, well mainly mammals, for the most part are born helpless for a reason.

for me lets seeee ummmm
I loved organic chemistry, it was my favorite undergrad course and I didn't find it infamous or terrible. at all
I find begging homeless people a nuisance. I know I'm bad
anime is lame
1. I don't really have a problem with people who have healthy BMIs wanting to go on a diet/to gain weight. As long as they're healthy, let them do what they wish with their bodies.
2. I personally hate wearing shorts/pants, even if I'm doing manual labour. If I can get away with wearing a skirt or dress, I'll do it.
3. I think Stephen Harper is a decent PM. Not the best, but certainly not the worst.
4. Essay writing is actually kind of fun.
5. I'd rather go to a small college than university.
6. I don't think my generation has a higher percentage of ditsy zombies than previous ones. Almost everyone I know in my age group volunteers, is academically driven, etc.
7. Coffee > Tea
8. I see nothing wrong with getting plastic surgery.
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Anime isn't all that great
I don't like small dogs, like at all
Babies, children, and most people for that matter are annoying
Chocolate isn't that great
I despise most "popular" YouTubers. Not because they're popular, but because they're annoying and their fanbases are even more annoying.
I'm tired of people thinking they're so different for not "being obsessed with their phone" and not being on social media. You really aren't a special snowflake, hun
Rompers or whatever are super ugly
Celebrities are humans too, so it pisses me off when people harass them just because they're famous
If one more teenage girl thinks they're quirky for liking pizza and having a netflix account, I will kill them
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I also hate youtubers, they are generally annoying and so are their fans. Especially Troye Sivan.. Jesus I have never seen a more infuriating fan base.

Yeah, but I would rather people be born with hygienic, mental, and physical capabilities rather than helpless crying sacks of poop.

And how exactly is that supposed to happen? Babies are not born with brains like Einstein. It's really hypocritical to complain about these things when you were doing the exact same years ago.

1. I do not particularly enjoy watching TV. I am only watching one series ATM, The Whispers.
2. I don't really like short shorts, and I'm a teen girl.
3. I don't see the need to be on my phone 24/7 like a lot of teens, I only go on it if I need to.
4. I don't have social medias, I feel like they are just a place to grandstand yourself and talk behind other's backs.
5. I believe it is a waste of time to have a boyfriend in high school, you'll just break up and who knows if he's going to college?

Little rant about modern days XD LOL

1. I do enjoy watching Tv, and I also enjoy watching anime on my computer.
2. I'm not a huge fan of short shorts, butt they are breezy.
3. I actually do use my phone a lot, because that's why I wanted it. (To text friends)
4. I have Facebook(for family), skype, deviantart, instagram, and Ifunny. I like them all because I can see whats going on with my friends. I think they are a great time killer.
5. I have a boyfriend, and things are going good. I think dating is useless in highschool, but it teaches people how to control emotions and have standards. (Highschool people)
The body extremes (underweight/obese) shouldn't be encouraged and then disguised as 'body positivity'
You shouldn't say sorry if you don't mean it and you are not obligated to either
You don't need to provide an explanation to strangers for (some of) your actions
No, tumblr, I don't condone shoplifting and stealing and I dont think people should be allowed
Babies and infants are ugly af
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1.I don't like wearing make-up, and i don't see the point in it, all my friends faces be looking like they just head-butted a chalk board.
2. I don't like wearing shorts/dresses, give me a tracksuit/t-shirt and jeans any day of the week.
3. It really bothers me when people use words like ******** and spasticated as an insult like grab a dictionary please. (not really unpopular but....)
4. Why the hell do people feel the need to blast out songs that are full of swear-words on the street, like a song with one or 2 is okay, but not songs were they dropping the f bomb every other word.
1. I don't understand how people can be into anime, it's horrid IMO.
2. Beau is a very generic AC villager. Stitches and Julian are where it's at.
3. The Wii U is the best system I've ever had, and the gamepad rocks my socks.
4. IPhones, tablets, Iwatches, and all that are big fat money wastes. Especially if you have a good computer.
Ohhhhh..... I'm in trouble now......
1. I am Roman Catholic, however, I disagree with certain church principals.....
a) I am not homophobic. I have many gay friends, and I support gay marriage and gay rights (which, by the way, my church is progressing towards). God made men and women. Therefore men and women are holy. God made Gay people. Therefore Gay people are Holy. Its common sense, guys.
b). *sigh*. I am.... pro-choice. I believe in a separation between church and state. That goes for Abortion, Assisted Suicide, and a lot of political legislature that the church has no right to stick their nose into. And person has agency over their own life. The right to choose. I personally have morals against drugs, against cigarette smoking, etc. Never done it, don't plan to. That's MY morals. Since when can I impose MY morals on someone else? Take a cigarette out of someone's mouth and inhibit THEIR right to choose to smoke?! I can offer education, but at the end of the day, the choice is theirs. Doctors can choose to be pro-choice/pro-life doctors if they so choose as well - that is in their control. No one is telling them anything. Making Abortion illegal will not take away abortions, it will just make them unsafe. Murder is illegal, but it still happens. If Abortion was legalized it could be done under controlled conditions, and women could be safe - its traumatic enough for them as it is, never mind a staircase or a coat hanger. We NEED contraception, we NEED these options for women so they have a CHOICE, and agency over their LIVES, their bodies.
3. Marijuana should be legalized. I have NEVER smoked pot in my life. I probably never will. Like I said, moral code. But I hate that my friends that do run the risk of facing charges worse than child pedophiles and rapists than for minor possession. There is something wrong with the legal system.
4. Something has to be done about the sex trade and sex workers. Yes, they provide a service. The oldest in the history books. Some say, a very critical one. And it will always exist. But they have no protection from the law. Their job has incredible dangers. And more and more girls and put into that sort of business because they have no other choice and THAT is the worst crime of all. Prostitution needs to be cracked down and these women need to be given other options. That's just in the Western world. In developing countries young girls and sold in the sex trade for high paying prices and its disgusting - the Child Sex Trade. Don't even get me started..... THAT is sick and wrong beyond belief.
5. Having children changes you. It stunts you at the age you are at. If you are settled down, married with a secure job, not much is gonna change. But if you're 16, you haven't had a chance to grow up and by the time your kid is 12, you're still going to have that 16-year old mindset deep inside you. You will have never grown up, truly. That's my own observation.
6. I stand by that Having Children Ruins Your Life, Ruins Your Finances, Ruins Your Marriage, Ruins Your Body..... Not for me.... The planet is overpopulated anyway. I could make FAR better investments.
7. Mad Max: Fury Road was "Just Okay"
^^ I actually agree with most of that stuff on your list. Except that last one
After seeing Fury Road in theaters it became my favorite action film. Sure it wasn't plot driven, sure some of the world building was odd, and it had a lot of female roles that bothered some people, but that's what made it great.

-Separation of church and state. PLEASE. Even if most of the country is considered one religion, its laws should NOT be dictated by these morals. What people do in their personal lives is not your concern, if people want to marry the same sex or get abortions, that is not your problem government. Amen
-Not that all drugs should be legalized, but if you want to do drugs and mess yourself up, that's on you.
-If someone is able to work, they should. There is abuse of the system.
- You should NEVER be shamed for your race, gender, sexuality, ect. I blame Tumblr slightly for this, with white shaming , gay flaming, and other issues. Just because you are something, don't make it define you.
- NEVER blame the victims of rape/sexual assault. I don't care what you claim, like she was 'wearing this' and 'she was asking for it' . No. YOU chose to do it, YOU could have stopped yourself, YOU are to blame. Obviously it can't be helped how you think about some things, but keep it in your head. I don't care what you are fantasizing in your mind, as long as it never translates into real life.
-Prisoners should punished the way they commit their crime. An eye for an eye.
/Rant over/

That was bit more political than I thought it was, here are just some stupid ones-
- I am not glued to my phone 24/7, and could frankly live without it. I only use it for calls/text and if I'm not near a computer.
- I don't do social media, I don't care what is going on in other people's lives and they shouldn't care about whats in mine.
- I'd rather see movies at home, its more convenient to me and I don't have to be considerate of others. ;)
- I don't like dating, or rather, never dated anyone I've actually liked. Its too much effort to put time and consideration into someone else, I'd rather be alone with a bag of cheetos and Netflix.
-Dear smacker. You're gross. Please close your mouth. Thank you.
-Grades could honestly mean nothing to me. They're just letters that push some people to earn them so they can say they have higher grades than you.
- Getting a collage degree does not define a person 'successful'. It's a piece of paper that says you paid for certain hours of schooling. It does not determine if you will be a great worker.
- I don't hate anime, but I also don't particularly care for it that much. I watch a little, but I don't understand how some people can like it just because it's anime.
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My unpopular opinion???
Ermagerd I really dislike messy buns. Not slightly messy ones that are unintentional, but I really dislike the really messy ones, it's like, why would you do that to yourself?????? I mean.... why????? Every time I see one I cringe inside.... I don't really have anything against those who wear them, I just really dislike the look of it. I mean, one could just wear a normal bun but having one that looks like a bird's nest isn't cute (just my opinion)
The same goes for man buns (I mean the top know ones, not long hair for men in general). I just think it looks really dumb...........

Oh well... I don't mean to be mean to anyone, I just dislike their fashion choices....
I find babies absolutely ugly as heck. I constantly argue with my mom over this because she's like "you won't think that when you have one." like hello, i've told you a million times that I'm not having kids.
On to my second point, don't tell someone just cause they don't want kids now means they won't want them later. Honestly, I'm scared to death by the thought of giving birth. I had to watch a video of a full frontal birth video in sex ed in 8th grade. Scared me so bad.
I find Markiplier and Pewdiepie to be equally annoying youtubers. I dislike them both equally. However, that doesn't mean I don't have respect for Markiplier.
I find TV boring, as well as the newer animes as of late.
I feel like if you have a nasty opinion about someone's looks, keep it to yourself. My grandma likes to point out people's clothes ALL the freakin' time and it drives me up a wall.
I think all pizza tastes like it was cooked in satan's butthole. They're nasty, especially the greasy ones.
I think candy is overrated. People get so excited when free candy is being given away. Like, really? It's just candy, people!!! xD
My unpopular opinions include....

I don't like the Kingdom Hearts series of video games
I don't like Splatoon
I don't like Bacon at all
I don't like Popcorn at all
I don't like Mac and Cheese at all
I don't like Eggs at all

I win
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My unpopular opinions include....

I don't like the Kingdom Hearts series of video games

I don't like Eggs at all

I win

also i love the neptunia video games series

vampire knight sucks.. and the drawing style is horrid

old anime music were better
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