1: I hate summer for the most part, winter/cold weather FTW.
2: A lot of my friends are like "Omg why do you hate gay people" when I don't. I'm just not a huge supporter of it, so that annoys me...
3: ACNL related: I hate Julian and Stitches
4: I hate minecraft for the most part
5: I hate a lot of PC/minecraft-like games, actually. You can build whatever the heck you want with legos AND you could put it on display AND have it in real life.
6: I actually liked the first three Stars Wars movies (1/2/3)
7: Pewdiepie is stupid (The only videos by him i watch are the Reading Mean Comments, those are funny)
8: I don't like COD (I saw this hilarious negative review of ACNL on amazon where the dude said "I bought this game because my parents bought me this game for my 13th birthday. I love videogames ever since I got into call of duty black ops 2. After playing this I was shocked: all you do is play as a kid in a town with a bunch of cute animals. I kept figuring that ton nook would give me an ak-74u and add an airstrike killstream on the elephant and bear but it never happened. Sorry but not a single explosions means not a good game. Back too call of duty!!!!!! 0/6 stars." Thats the whole review lol)
Also I'm a Christian and while I don't agree with gay rights I don't hate gay people. It's their decision to be gay just like its mine to be Christian.