I think fan fiction is brilliant, and also relevant in the publishing industry.
Now, hear me out here. Let's think for a minute about what fan fiction is, and what pops up into our minds when we hear of it. Well, the one thing people seem to have ignored is that some of the most successful films made in recent years (not exactly fan fiction, but fan content either way) were based off of existing content. For example, Christopher Nolan is the creator of the Dark Knight series of Batman films, and in my eyes, he is a fan fiction writer. Not necessarily a writer of fan fiction, but, like I said before, fan content either way.
Fan fiction is behind some of the most successful films made in recent years, and that's something I feel people forget about way too much. It's relevant.
I adore fan fiction. I like it because we can exercise our minds to think about what if scenarios from our favourites shows or movies. Things that they haven't and probably never will show us. Once the program is over, we can take a dive into the same world and explore it a little more by writing.
Sure, a lot of fan fiction is terribly written, I can't argue that. But to say that ALL fan fiction is terribly written is wrong. I've read some brilliant ones.