Oh also, edgy people are like the death of me. I really dislike people who constantly disagree with others and are purposefully negative. There's this one girl at my school, every time someone brings up anything about death or fire or pain or suffering she smiles, nods, and says "niiiice." We used to be friends until I found out she was one of those people who has to be a special snowflake all the damn time, if someone says "Oh the sun is so beautiful!" She'll counter by either saying, "Yeah, imagine being stuck in that burning ball of gas," While smiling, or "No!!! The sun is too bright and cheerful, I much prefer overcast days."
(I'm not saying people who prefer overcast/rainy days to sunny days are this type of person, I actually prefer them myself, but it's more about being a contrarian and having to be different all the time.)