My weather seed does not working today


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2020
Green Christmas Stocking
Festive Bell
Tin Robot
Matryoshka Doll
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Christmas Candy
Black Hybrid Rose
Yellow Candy
Eerie Star Potion
MeteorNook says our island should have some shooting star tonight, but I saw none on the predicted times. It worked magically before. Anyone has similar problem recently? I don’t think today is event weather...
If it’s always worked before, then today must be some kind of event weather. I haven’t checked my seed today, but it’s been snowing all day on both islands. If it’s snowing for you too, then maybe that is the special weather for today. I had the same problem with thinking my seed was wrong when I had KK come, but it was his first Saturday performance which caused a special weather pattern.
I'm guessing, since it's Christmas, there might be some kind of special weather seed today- that means previous weather seeds are cancelled out, and would've been once the Christmas (pardon me, TOY DAY) event was added. It -technically- spans two days, it seems, since all my villagers brought it up today and I got my stocking gift today.

Just like I used to have an August meteor shower, until the fireworks shows were added- since they had special weather patterns, I lost that meteor shower (fortunately I have a bunch more).
My NH island has snow today and the meteornook predicted that. But it is the SH island should have some stars. We have regular visitors today so I didn’t think about special event time. I hope it is because of the Toy Day, otherwise I don’t know if I have the energy to figure out another weather seed.
I also had snow today when I wasn't supposed to, so I'm sure today is event weather.
It's Christmas. It should be snow all day taking precedence. The seed is used for pseudo randomness. So it would have worked for today if not for the Holiday
Meteonook is up to date for 1.4.0. I think we are on 1.6.0C.

The creator quick working on Animal Crossing data mining and so the weather seeds will not be up-to-date.
It's Christmas. It should be snow all day taking precedence. The seed is used for pseudo randomness. So it would have worked for today if not for the Holiday
Meteonook is up to date for 1.4.0. I think we are on 1.6.0C.

The creator quick working on Animal Crossing data mining and so the weather seeds will not be up-to-date.
I hope it is the holiday weather takes priority. But it is funny the game developers focus more on northern hemisphere to provide a white Christmas on NH islands but nothing on SH islands.

My weather seeds worked with the latest updates until today. I will update whether they continue to work for later shooting star forecasts.
I hope it is the holiday weather takes priority. But it is funny the game developers focus more on northern hemisphere to provide a white Christmas on NH islands but nothing on SH islands.

My weather seeds worked with the latest updates until today. I will update whether they continue to work for later shooting star forecasts.
I'm not saying it wont work - but any new events wont be accounted for, like holidays.
If it's today it's because it's a special event - holidays override your normal weather pattern.
Just want to update that it was the event weather overriding the normal forecast, it got back to normal prediction yesterday :)
Yeah, it did this to me on Halloween too. It was supposed to rain for a couple of hours while Jack was on my island, but the game must have it set to a special event weather pattern, because I didn't have rain when I was supposed to. And it also snowed during times on Christmas in my game that the weather app said it wouldn't. I'm sure that our weather seeds won't change, and the weather patterns won't change except for holidays that weren't in the game until after the latest update that the MateoNook creator had worked with.