Mystery Islands Question


Senior Member
Dec 10, 2013
is anyone else having problems getting the mystery islands to change? mine used to have 3 different island per day but i created a new town on the day that the 'update' came out and ive been going to the mystery islands every night in hopes of getting the tarantula/scorpion island but the game keeps giving me the same islands over and over again. is anyone else having this problem? the game Knows that im trying to catch the tarantulas/scorpions because when i came back the other night 2 scorpions were on my regular island...which Rarely happens. what gives? am i doing something wrong here?
I haven’t seen a tarantula/scorpion island for awhile . When I was looking for them I would create my own by finding an island without a lot of cliffs and removing all trees/rocks. I haven’t tried since the update so will have to experiment with that later.
ive created my own as well, but the islands that theyre giving me now have multiple levels and rivers...not ideal for tarantula/scorpion hunting :(
when i have created them after the update i have gotten 2 scorpions and nothing after that...the game fills up the river in one island with waterbugs so its not a complete waste of time; but i have to continually pay 3 tickets to get back to that island to grind it when its available.
I had been trying to get bamboo island and spent two days jumping islands; only got one. I did get a tarantula island though (for my first time). I don’t think there is a way to guarantee a specific map or island you want.
ive created my own as well, but the islands that theyre giving me now have multiple levels and rivers...not ideal for tarantula/scorpion hunting :(
when i have created them after the update i have gotten 2 scorpions and nothing after that...the game fills up the river in one island with waterbugs so its not a complete waste of time; but i have to continually pay 3 tickets to get back to that island to grind it when its available.
Yea it’s a pain to bad you can’t terraform on mystery islands to remove the water. There unfortunately aren’t many islands that are good for making tarantula island. I find bamboo island is usually the best one but they are hard to find.
I had been trying to get bamboo island and spent two days jumping islands; only got one. I did get a tarantula island though (for my first time). I don’t think there is a way to guarantee a specific map or island you want.
Mystery islands are 100% random, reasons why I usually don’t look for specifics.
Yea it’s a pain to bad you can’t terraform on mystery islands to remove the water. There unfortunately aren’t many islands that are good for making tarantula island. I find bamboo island is usually the best one but they are hard to find.
If you don’t carry the pole/ladder, you’ll have a chance of a flat island. I’ve done it before.
Mystery islands are 100% random, reasons why I usually don’t look for specifics.

If you don’t carry the pole/ladder, you’ll have a chance of a flat island. I’ve done it before.

That is what I though; thanks for confirming that. Was just trying to answer the OP’s question.
One of the updates last year changed the mystery island probabilities. It's possible they changed things again to make some islands more likely and some less likely.
ok so my islands werent random, they would give three different ones every night...tonight i went and they gave me the scorpion/tarantula mystery island *i had to go to two other islands first, it was the third*. thinking i would get it again on the third try i got the bamboo island instead im wondering; for any of you island hoppers out there if you would also try and see if you get the same islands that i did. the bamboo island was the 4th island, which has never happened before so im sure that the mystery islands are now random...even though theyve given me the same ones back to back for weeks now except for tonight. im curious to see if anyone else has this luck.
I had been trying to get bamboo island and spent two days jumping islands; only got one. I did get a tarantula island though (for my first time). I don’t think there is a way to guarantee a specific map or island you want.
Took me two weeks to get bamboo Island
ok so my islands werent random, they would give three different ones every night...tonight i went and they gave me the scorpion/tarantula mystery island *i had to go to two other islands first, it was the third*. thinking i would get it again on the third try i got the bamboo island instead im wondering; for any of you island hoppers out there if you would also try and see if you get the same islands that i did. the bamboo island was the 4th island, which has never happened before so im sure that the mystery islands are now random...even though theyve given me the same ones back to back for weeks now except for tonight. im curious to see if anyone else has this luck.
I’d try it, however unfortunately I don’t have enough NMTs to actually risk anything :/
ok so my islands werent random, they would give three different ones every night...tonight i went and they gave me the scorpion/tarantula mystery island *i had to go to two other islands first, it was the third*. thinking i would get it again on the third try i got the bamboo island instead im wondering; for any of you island hoppers out there if you would also try and see if you get the same islands that i did. the bamboo island was the 4th island, which has never happened before so im sure that the mystery islands are now random...even though theyve given me the same ones back to back for weeks now except for tonight. im curious to see if anyone else has this luck.
Werent mystery islands always random
I restarted my island awhile back, but before I did that I used to get bamboo island SO much (not complaining, I loved it). When I started my new island though it took me weeks to finally get it for the first time. It was super frustrating. I was even past the point of wanting it for tarantula/scorpion hunting, all I wanted was to stock up on bamboo😭
As far as I'm aware you do not get assigned 3 random islands a day. You can go to every single one of them in the same day. But not all islands have the same odds.

For example bamboo island has a 10% so will be seen fairly often.
Compare that to gold Rock island which has a 0.3% chance of appearing.

well, the islands are random, but i would get 3 of them only every night. each night those 3 islands wouldnt rotate to any other islands so i knew that if there was an island in there that i wanted to go back to all i would have to do was visit the islands again and it would show up the third try. last night they gave me four islands. i was trying to get back to the mystery scorpion/tarantula island and instead they gave me the bamboo island. im assuming that their 'rules' about which islands they give you are now different than they were before. i used to island hop constantly looking for bamboo island so i know my old method worked like a charm. now i have no idea how theyre working, only that the old rule did still apply until last night for me.
I guess it depends on the RNG of which island you get and as for the Tarantula islands they are pretty rare but it only appears at night time.