I did all the steps but my 3DS wouldn't accept my phone.Did you follow every step?
It works for me and my brother. Also there's been some success with TBT users using this method too...
Maybe I can help?
I did type it that way still didn't work It looked like it was going to connect but at the last minute I got a error code.By the way, for US it's Bestbuy, not BESTBUY. Only the B is capitalized, if you capitalize everything it won't work
I did all the steps but my 3DS wouldn't accept my phone.
I did type it that way still didn't work It looked like it was going to connect but at the last minute I got a error code.
I did all the steps but my 3DS wouldn't accept my phone.
I did type it that way still didn't work It looked like it was going to connect but at the last minute I got a error code.
Did you follow every step?
It works for me and my brother. Also there's been some success with TBT users using this method too...
Maybe I can help?
By the way, for US it's Bestbuy, not BESTBUY. Only the B is capitalized, if you capitalize everything it won't work
Have you deleted all other connections? Sometimes it uses other connections.
There's no reason why it wouldn't work unless you have very poor signal on your device.
Jun, try:
1. In your tethering settings (creating a hot spot) you named the Network 'Bestbuy' right? Also, set the security options to 'Open' ...you may have to create a password IF the steps below do not work.
2. Now the 3DS can ONLY save 3x different connections, therefore if those three are occupied w/ Network settings for your house, work, Starbucks for example- delete the Starbucks connection as the other two are more relevant.
3. Now that you have an open slot to 'create a new connection' it should start by scanning for a new Access Point- if the settings were done correctly on your cell, 'Bestbuy' should be listed.
4. Select 'Bestbuy' & start the Nintendo Zone app. Allow it some time to download some files & after a bit, start New Leaf.
5. Speak to Pelly!
Good luck, Jun!
lol I never knew that I guess I could try getting rid of the regular connect and use that.
Something I also found, if you are not willing to remove the extra connection settings, take your devices and get away from your regular network. I believe (don't quote me on this) that the 3ds takes the connections in order, i.e. if home is connection 1 and device is connection 2, it will take home first if available.
I took my devices to the post office today and did my download from there.
You don't need to open the Nintendo Zone App because the items are distributed in game.
Most people connected and have gone straight into the game.
Just make sure the "Bestbuy" or "_The Cloud" connection is the only connection (or the least secured) and your 3DS will use it by default. (ie. if you have two connections, a protected Bestbuy one and an open home network/public hotspot, it will automatically connect to the open one, in turn, not working).
Let me know if you're still having problems.
This didn't work out for me so it looks like I'm going to miss out on this item![]()
I really hope its orderable thru the catalog.
Regarding the house wifi and tethering:
Did this today and had to delete the first connection (my home wifi) and have my phone's "Bestbuy" connection as the only one (didn't have third) and it worked.
Juat wanted to confirm for everyone.