Name 3 things about the above poster.

- Likes the cow and bull villagers
- Joined recently but has been watching the forum for a bit
- HHD was your first ac game
- Prefers the look of nl character models over nh ones
- Has never seen star wars
- chose the numbers in your name based on cyndaquil’s pokedex number!
✨️ From Australia
✨️ Wonderfully talented artist! 😍
✨️ Likes drawing fish, and has a fish encyclopaedia! 🐟😊
* lots of dolphin collectibles
* adorable art style
* Probably loves stars ⭐✨💫
- Plays Harvest Moon (saaame)
- Watches Poofesure (also a mooooood)
- Favorites Apollo (he's not my #1, but I also love him a lot)
1. likes south park
2. has a new leaf town and a new horizons island with the same name (popstar)
3. was born in october