Name 3 things about the above poster.

-chill person 😎
-amazing lineup that makes me go 😍
-member of the Z username club πŸ‘½
-Zorua fan (REPRESENT!)
-Named rhymed with my old one (Kane)
-Seem like a cool person :)

Edit: A second too late oops
- Mayo is probably their favourite condiment
- Doesn't like tomatoes
- Birthday is next month!
- Has kittens who he loves dearly <3333
- Practices martial arts
- LOVES anime, most notably My Hero Academia
𐦍 favourite villager is rooney
𖀓 is asexual and aromantic (very valid πŸ’–)
𐦍 is an aspiring author
- Plays fighting games like Genshin Impact and similar ones
- Has an awesome job he loves
- Lives in Texas like me ^_^
❀ Favorite villager is Rooney.
❀ Shares the same birthday as Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
❀ Joined the forums on Halloween of 2015.
- Making their interest for Animal Crossing publicly known starting this year.
- Name is Trevor.
- 23 years old.
Such a good friend to so many πŸ’œ

Loves the Texas Rangers!

Has an adorable kitty 🐈😍
loves the color purple πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
Loves astronomy and nighttime, judging by her profile aesthetic ✨✨✨
Loves Lolly πŸ’™πŸ€πŸˆ
𓆏 favourite villager is drift
𓆏 wants to discover a new species of frog
𓆏 zodiac sign is pisces