Nate's Art Thread (Last page for recent work)

I admire how well you draw animals, and your latest pieces are so good.
Really like the brush style you used [here] to get that super soft and dreamy feel, and how you managed to show character is AMAZING. Anyone who looks at that piece can immediately get the meaning / what it's about, which is a testament to your knack for expressions. Great stuff!
Also, I like how [this] contrasts with the artwork I discussed earlier. It looks less "hazy" and more bold, and I love how you made the browns so vibrant!
You've got a lot of skill dude; it's incredible. Good luck with your Patreon endeavors! ;-]
bat pone.jpg

My internet was down FOR 5 HOURS, so I drew Fleshyy's gay pony boy. Go tell him that

- - - Post Merge - - -

I admire how well you draw animals, and your latest pieces are so good.
Really like the brush style you used [here] to get that super soft and dreamy feel, and how you managed to show character is AMAZING. Anyone who looks at that piece can immediately get the meaning / what it's about, which is a testament to your knack for expressions. Great stuff!
Also, I like how [this] contrasts with the artwork I discussed earlier. It looks less "hazy" and more bold, and I love how you made the browns so vibrant!
You've got a lot of skill dude; it's incredible. Good luck with your Patreon endeavors! ;-]

Idk how to reply to this bc I stink as a person BUT THANKYOU SO MUCH IT MEANS A LOT
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Are you a furry? O:

Oh hey you changed your username! Didn't recognize you

I wouldn't actively call myself that, but I have been to furry conventions and am apart of furry sub-communities so I guess so haha
bathies icon.jpg

For my next icon YCH. Text and bath stickers will be fully customizeable!
Per usual Patreons get first dibs before slots open to the public
-removed off topic post by me-

keep up the good work PawPatrol :D
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