I think it looks great, but there are some issues with it that are totally on my part, but the idea I had pictured in my mind of it being was much more fulfilling than what I included in my order. I'm hoping I could step it up a bit by suggesting some more things to put in it. I have
no issue with paying more for it if that's what is required. So, I'll get onto my ideas for in case you are interested.
http://img01.deviantart.net/c79e/i/2013/263/b/7/witch_hat_cut_out_by_la__boheme-d6n2ved.png I was hoping for this Witches hat to be minimized to fit on top of the S, y'know like a hat for the S.
H -https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5a/44/29/5a44295d6d3ae722432f50bd7367174d.jpg For the 'H' I'd like to use this picture of Espeon to fit on the space
IN the 'H'. CUT OUT the background, I only want the picture of Espeon and the little trick or treat basket she's holding.
U -
http://pre13.deviantart.net/edfe/th/pre/f/2013/119/8/a/gengar_by_moo_feeler-d63hzri.jpg For the 'U' I was hoping on this cute little picture of Gengar being minimized to fit of him standing above on the U's line.
DON'T include the mini heart, just the part with Gengar and the sandwich. (
https://gyazo.com/6247af6e26d424bc65704dba3c1370e3 etc of what I mean, that part of the U)
The Space Between N and T -
So I was hoping of minimizing and fitting this picture of halloween themed Pikachu between the SPACE of N and T of the signature.
A - And last but not least, for the 2nd 'A' at the end of the name, in the space inside the A I was hoping to minimize and cut out the background of this picture of Litwick stuck inside a jar.
I really really hope you can include these things into it, I'm totally fine with paying more or if I'm forced to go back all the way to the bottom of the waitlist, I'm sure patience will have it's reward. If some of these requests can't be done then just simply let me know. I'm hoping to use this signature until the 'end of time' so that's why I'm being a bit picky about it. Overall the font and everything you picked is great and I love it, I just would love to add some more into it. I apologize for making you do more work than what was originally asked, but more TBT points right...? Thanks