Here's ZeldaFan's signature!
Had to resist the urge to use a gradient lol
If I made a mistake or you want any changes, just let me know!
Accepted! Ah I love detailed requests. Less work for me deciding where everything should go!
The background is too big but I can always resize it. And I shouldn't have to "smash" it unless it's bigger than the sig width limit after resizing.
One thing I will mention is that it's rather difficult for me to have the sprites interacting with the background when I have to include the names. This is because I focus more on the placement of the name underneath the villager rather than the sprite itself. I might arrange the sprites a certain way, but by the time I add names they might be moved all the way around.
I'll see where I might be able to put the text and still have sprites able to be placed on the terrain. Should be fun.
I hope I get this correct!First time!
Mayor Name: Caitlin
Town Name: Tokitou
Friend Code: 4699-6902-4435
Dream Address: 6500-5890-0010
Villagers: Del, Jambette, Mira, Whitney, Amelia, Bangle, Erik, Marina.
Dreamies: Lolly, Walker, Whitney (obtained), Marina (obtained).
Names under sprites?: Yes please!
Tiny Font? (For names under sprites): Blueberry Pie
Town name format: Tokitou in reasonably large writing in top left corner, Mayor Caitlin smaller underneath it. Please write my dream address and friend code in the top right corner in reasonably small writing
Sprite indication: Purple rose meaning obtained if possible.
Specific sprite arrangement?: All my villagers the path of my chosen background, all my dreamies on the grass to the left.
Font: Hey Gorgeous (If that's what it's called...?)
Font Color or Gradient? Reasonably dark purple font.
Background: This one please!
Art? (please provide a link & artist credit): None I don't think?
Rounded Edges? Yes.
Border? (If yes what color) None
Animated? Yes!
Fading? (If you have two signatures) Nope.
Other Info: (If you want to include native fruit, timezone, ect) Please add 'Timezone: GMT' In smaller writing under 'Mayor Caitlin'. Also 'Native fruit: (apple icon thing)' Under my timezone in same size.
Anything else? No, not that I can think of!
Please let me know the price!Thank you!
Is it OK I change something here? Del has moved out, and Kyle has moved in!
Hi I would like a signature please
Mayor Name:Jon
Town Name:Termina
Friend Code:0318-9479-9767
Dream Address:N/A
Dreamies:* means obtained
Names under sprites?:Yes
Tiny Font? (For names under sprites):Blueberry Pie
Town name format:Centered with "Triforce" all big and "Mayor Jon" below in smaller text
Sprite indication:Put a perfect peach next to obtained dreamies
Specific sprite arrangement?:Zig-zag pattern in the order listed
Font Color or Gradient? Purple
Art? :N/A
Rounded Edges? Yes
Border? Yes, black
Animated? No
Fading? N/A
Other Info:Native fruit - Peach, timezone - CST
Anything else? If possible keep the clock on the left side of the sig please
Yeah sure, just edit your order! c:
That background is really small. Could you find something larger?
Banner Type: (Regular, bump banner, ect)Shop
Background (color, image, ect):Blue/Red
Font:anythint that matches
Size:Like middle sized
Rounded Edges?yep
Anything else? can you add hybrids in the banner Ty! Tell me if I need to change anything
I need an update!
I changed some of my dreamies which affects the ones I've obtained..
Marshal is replaced with Bruce
Tia is replaced with Blaire
Diana is replaced with Kiki
I need a rainbow feather under Tex
Can I also get a gradient text, I think it looks plain like that.
Border color to black would be nice too
I'm using an iPad so the animated I pick that I uploaded won't animate can you animate it yourself also I edited my order^^
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Also I just want the words Hybrid Shop on it and that's it nothing else Ty!
So should I send the 150tbt
mwahaha you have the hardest challenge: the sig for my main town!
Mayor Name: Fortress (Long story)
Town Name: Fortress
Friend Code: 0919 9922 0075
Dream Address: N/A
Villagers: Stitches, Molly, Marshal, Ankha, Zucker, Chief, Apollo, Cheri, Marina, Ribbot, Phoebe
Dreamies: All obtained
Names under sprites?: no
Tiny Font? (For names under sprites): no
Town name format: on the middle top. (does that make sense)
Sprite indication: Gold rose
Specific sprite arrangement?: Randomize it please!
Font: rwby font
Font Color or Gradient? Gradient
Art? (please provide a link & artist credit):
Rounded Edges? Yes please
Border? (If yes what color) Sure black border
Animated? yes
Fading? (If you have two signatures) no
Other Info: (If you want to include native fruit, timezone, ect) Could you do a quote? If so "The Lost World"
Anything else? Nope
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I'll pay when you respond ;D