K will do now. Also update for le sig.
Rowan has moved out and Walker (Dreamie) has moved in.
Character Name: Alex
Description: Strong, Not afraid to fight, Likes to stand up for himself
Small quote?: Hm... I wanna put a good teen wolf quote bc he's slightly made around teen wolf
Personality: Angry, Tough, Serious, Frowns always
Included Color Scheme(s): idk what this means lol
Character Art:By Crowbats![]()
By Shizonaki![]()
By Cuddles![]()
Artist Credit: N/Aland
By Kietara![]()
Font: Fabulous, Idk
Font Color(s): Dark colour?
Background (image or color): Black?
Rounded Edges? yessss
Border: nope
Animated? yas I want a fancy switch thing like you do
Size: big?
Anything else I should include?: idk, editing doe
Mayor Name: Tamsyn
Town Name: Wolfmoor
Small quote? Imagination is more important then knowledge (u know where this is from lol)
Favorite Villager (optional) FANG <33333
Personality (optional): Funny, Excited, Happy
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: brown/funny glasses
Hat/Hair Accessory: Royal crown
Face Accessory: funny glasses
Shirt/Dress: pink tank and white lace skirt
Pants: N/A
Shoes: white leather shoes
Included Color Scheme(s): still no idea what this means
Screenshot(s): just character art plz
Character Artby Ardrey
if you could cut, would be fabulous but yeah. by That Zephyr Guy![]()
Font: idk
Font Color(s): Pink/purple?
Background (image or color): idk
Animated? no
Rounded Edges? no
Border? pretty?? Lol
Size: idk
Anything else?: nope
Here's HappyVillager's signature!
If I made a mistake or you want anything changed, just let me know!
- - - Post Merge - - -
How long until you get rid of Egbert and bring in that final dreamie do you think? It'd be awesome if I could do one final update xDplus each time I update your sig I have to re add the art and I'm lazy HAHAHAHA erm
Here's HappyVillager's signature!
If I made a mistake or you want anything changed, just let me know!
Just keeping an Update here :3 Basically a bump![]()
Here's HappyVillager's quick update!
That'll be 15 TBT
Update time!
Could you replace Ribbot with Kid Cat? And still keep the little blue feather by him of course. (I decide to let the little guy go with a friend)
Also, I found out why my DA kept changing. But hopefully it won't happen again! DA now is: 4300-5922-0240
Would 15 TBT be good for this update? Or is it big enough for it to cost more?
Oh my god it's amazing! Do you have a url or something that I can use to put it As my signature so it's still animated?![]()
Time for an update
Could you replace Bettina with Zucker and put Elise where Bettina was :'3
15 TBT right? c:
Thanks in advance!
Here's neester14's signature!
I took out the mayor name to make room for the quote, hope that's okay. >.<
If you need anything changed just let me know!
Coming up next is leahhhhaaaaa's sig followed by addictedgamerguy's update!
Sounds good, and yes, 15 TBT!
Beautiful, Bravo! It looks great!
Awesome!I'll send it over now so I don't forget :'D
Edit: Hazel just asked to move out, so I'll be getting Ed too ;v; is 15 TBT still enough to cover it? c:
//late reply oops-snip-Yep, 15 TBT covers all updates unless it's something big like adding art or changing the background or something. c: