Senior Member

Mayor Name: Mayor Nia
Town Name: Yeungju
Friend Code: 5129-3669-3434
Dream Address: 4800-5922-2319
Villagers: (I'm a little confused with the dreamies and villagers. The characters listed are citizens of my town.) Whitney, Monique, Bertha, Paula, Bella, Rudy, Butch, Erik, and Ed.
Dreamies: (I don't have any of my dreamies and I don't want to list them.)
Names under sprites?: Yes.
Which tiny font? (For names under sprites): Silkscreen.
Town name format: (ex: Sunshine - Mayor Nathan, ect) I have a picture of how I want the text if that is OK.
Sprite marking: N/A
Specific sprite arrangement?: In a row on the bottom.
Font Color, Gradient, or Glow Text? - Gradient - like a sunset. From blueish purple to orangish pink, like the background.
Background: Art? (please provide a link & artist credit): No avatar, but could I have this tiny floating whale in the top left corner of the signature? Sorry if the link isn't relevant. Artist credit - . . . Steven universe? I don't know.
Rounded Edges? Yes.
Border? Nah.
Animated? Yes, animated background please!
Multiple Sigs? Nahhhhh
Other Info: Native fruit - Pear. Time zone - Mountain Time
Anything else? - For the native fruit, I would like there to only be a sprite of a perfect pear, which I believe is the first on the 4th row of the sprites.
Total cost - 100TBT (I think?)
I'm incredibly sorry if it's all messy and illegible. ^_^'