Senior Member
This is awesome!!
Mayor Name: Libby
Town Name: Asgard
Friend Code: 1005-9223-6341
Dream Address: 4800-5793-1788
Dreamies Obtained: Julian, Phoebe, Freya, Kyle, Fang, Erik, Fuchsia, Ankha
Dreamies Needed: Benjamin, Muffy
Names under sprites?: (Y/N)
Tiny font: (For the villager names under the sprites)
Text format: (ex: Sunshine all big with Mayor Nathan below, vice-versa, ect) Queen Libby in big fancy writing and centered, Asgard in smaller print below
Sprite marking: Perfect pear next to native fruit, gold nugget on each side of "Asgard"
Font: RWBY font
Font Color: burnished gold
Font Color Style: (Solid Color, Gradient, or Glow Text?) Glow text!
Background: Pic of Loki
Shape: Rectangle
Rounded Edges? (If rectangle shape) No
Animated? (if you picked a GIF background) no
Size: (Default is MAX height allowed [250x500]) Default
Other Info: (Native fruit, timezone, small quote, ect) Timezone: EST, Native fruit: Pear, "In the end, you will always kneel" ~Loki
Anything else? Can you get the villagers to be animated?
Total TBT: 70 tbt?
Accepted, though I'll need you to go find a background for me to use.
Also no, I can't make the villagers animated.
Awe okay. I'll get you a pic! Here! http://www.clipartbest.com/clipart-9cRgdrRri
Mayor Name:Georgia
Town Name:Londre
Friend Code:3136-7183-3156
Dream Address:7200-5412-9824
Text format:Londre in big with mayor Georgia below
Sprite marking:perfect pear (native fruit)
Font:"Always in my heart"
Font Color:light blue
Font Color Style:Glow text
Background: http://images.google.fr/imgres?imgu...ved=0ahUKEwjQnrD8wp3LAhUH1BoKHVaQBXIQrQMISzAP
Shape:The sun shape (after the two hearts)
Other Info:Native fruit: pear
Anything else?:[B/] Could you add a little prite of lolly
Total TBT:80tbt?
Got a few people that need to respond to questions and one sig in the works that should be finished tomorrow!
That's more of a render than a background, but I can still use it if that's what you want.
Accepted! Sun shape should work since no villagers, but I'll let you know if it's too crowded.
Okay, if the sun shape doesn't work then I'll have a rectangle shape with curved edges
could you maybe put the image of Loki on the right and make the background color dark green?
it looks so good omg
Mayor Name:Jared
Town Name:Hawaii
Friend Code:3153-4265-9091
Dream Address:None
Dreamies Obtained:None
Dreamies Needed:Bones, Dizzy, Chadder, Hamphrey, Sparro, Jacques, Tia, Peanut, Portia, Agnes
Names under sprites?: (Y/N)
Tiny font: (For the villager names under the sprites)
Text format: (Whatever Looks Best)
Sprite marking:Obtained:sparkling cider?(the one to the wright of the takeout coffee)
Font:Delfino font
Font Color:Gradient that matches the background
Font Color Style:Gradient that matches the background
Rounded Edges?Sunset Lake.gif
Other Info: (Native fruit, timezone, small quote, ect)Native Fruit-Pear, Timezone-MST
Anything else?
Total TBT:80
Sorry I just saw this... awkward lol.. I want it to just say Dreamies above the sprites, no icon!!
Let me know if you want any changes.