Need help converting drawn map, paying TBT!


Fauxtectual / Mortymer
Mar 23, 2020
Oarfish Head
Hey guys! I hand drew out a map by tracing over my in - game map after wiping it clean. I've placed markers for general areas where I'd like buildings and such, but without the grid, I found I'm having trouble with making the map in - game in a way that feels accurate to me. ; v;

acnh map plans.png

I'm hoping someone can take the drawn map, and apply it through this little app / site ! I have tried doing so by uploading the image to that site, and drawing over it, but I have some vision issues which makes it pretty hard to do for me. :[ And then, if you could just snag a screenshot of the finished piece with the grid, I would be happy to pay 350 TBT!

Alternatively, if you prefer NMTs, I have ... Probably at least 1k in those right now, points wise. ; v; )9 TY.
( Tho I tested in - game and I know the moon pond is 12 x 12 with a 5 square ' circle ' in the center of land, if that helps to convert it ! )

Just let me know if you're able to help! Tysm. u vu

Edit: Also, for the location of my town hall! It's exactly 24 spaces back from my airport directly straight! I have 6 path spaces in front of it, an incline, a piece of raised land that has 4 path spaces, another incline, and 6 spaces leading down to the airport from there. :]
I can give it a shot but there's going to be some inaccuracy with the edges meeting the sand.
I can give it a shot but there's going to be some inaccuracy with the edges meeting the sand.

That's totally fine! My biggest concern is mainly the inland with the water, and cliffs. :] As long as it's roughly accurate, I'd be much better off than I am now, haha! I super appreciate it! Also, no need to put in paths if you'd prefer not to, but if you do, I prefer 2 tile wide paths ! ♥
That's totally fine! My biggest concern is mainly the inland with the water, and cliffs. :] As long as it's roughly accurate, I'd be much better off than I am now, haha! I super appreciate it! Also, no need to put in paths if you'd prefer not to, but if you do, I prefer 2 tile wide paths ! ♥

It's not a perfect 1:1 but I think this is what you want. I just picked a default map and left the beaches along. Most of the path is 2 wide. There might be some 1 or 3 wide parts when i was trying to freehand the curves. You can download the attachment for the fullsize. Wasn't sure about the placement of the inclines and bridges so I put them roughly where they are on the drawn map. Some terraforming might not be possible cause this editor doesn't check for it when you draw on the map. The 6 houses in the back are evenly space. The two pairs are not. The other buildings I set down as rough placements.

Edit: Just realize i missed some water near the left rivermouth but there should be enough room for you to add it in.
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It's a perfect 1:1 but I think this is what you want. I just picked a default map and left the beaches along. Most of the path is 2 wide. There might be some 1 or 3 wide parts when i was trying to freehand the curves. You can download the attachment for the fullsize. Wasn't sure about the placement of the inclines and bridges so I put them roughly where they are on the drawn map. Some terraforming might not be possible cause this editor doesn't check for it when you draw on the map. The 6 houses in the back are evenly space. The two pairs are not. The other buildings I set down as rough placements.

Edit: Just realize i missed some water near the left rivermouth but there should be enough room for you to add it in.

Amazing, tysm! : D This is super helpful. Sent ya some TBT! Can't wait to get terraforming, I super appreciate it!
Amazing, tysm! : D This is super helpful. Sent ya some TBT! Can't wait to get terraforming, I super appreciate it!

Sorry, I forgot a word: It's not a perfect 1:1. But let me know if there's any quick adjustment you want me to make before I lose the map tonight or if you want the tbt back for misleading you.
Sorry, I forgot a word: It's not a perfect 1:1. But let me know if there's any quick adjustment you want me to make before I lose the map tonight or if you want the tbt back for misleading you.

Oops, sorry for the delay. It's perfect for a base start I can work off of in - game and make adjustments from there. :] Thanks again!