hopefully this link will work. I need help finding the rest of this path iv seen it all before but forgot to save it. if you could please give me the link to the rest of it. Thank you
judging by the use of the path in this picture, it actually appears as though specific corner pieces for the path were not made. there are only side pieces, and the creator of the path just makes sharp turns with the path instead of using a corner piece. you can either use the path that way or pick a diff path, I guess. this pic here: http://blog-imgs-56-origin.fc2.com/m/i/c/michel015/4.jpeg has more patterns than the image you had in the main post, though, as in it has side pieces running up w/o the lights, so theres that, I guess
there are corners. click on the link that Hirisa posted. scroll drown click on the picture of the path and there are pictures of the path in the creators town that show corners.
Those are not really corners... Like debinoresu said, it's a one sided piece. The "corner" is simply placing another direction one side piece, so it gives an illusion of a corner.
well thats lame then. theres a gray path thats the same but has corners. why not have corners for the red one? oh well i dont want it then thank you everyone