need help from ANYBODY living in EUROPE!

Jas0n said:
Anna said:
So Europe Don't get groundhog day, nature day, fathers day ?? And what other hoildays have they took out the game?
We don't get Groundhog day but I don't see any reason why we wouldn't get Fathers day o_O Not sure about Nature day.
Europe does get Father's day, just on a different date.
Keith said:
I have added everyone in this topic! Tomorrow the gates will be open around 3pm or 3:30 pm ;)

Sorry! I only have added the ones in my signature on certain! When I have more time I add more! People who don't come on the fifth, may come om the 21th
sweet i'll be there! i added you
Keith said:
I have added everyone in this topic! Tomorrow the gates will be open around 3pm or 3:30 pm ;)

Sorry! I only have added the ones in my signature on certain! When I have more time I add more! People who don't come on the fifth, may come om the 21th
Wawait, what about the whacky time zones, and I dont have much time tomorrow, hmm, I hope you can keep your gates open as long as possible.
Yeah I keep them open as long as possible, but maybe you can go to my town, when I'm away... WiiConnect24 ;)
If you want me to open the gate, say it to me ;) The battery of my wii-mote is low so I can't have the gate open all the time. I saw on the bulletin board that the day is tomorrow? So if you get nothing today, come tomorrow!
Oh crap, I was really busy today. Keith, do you think you could be open tomorrow, and TT back one day please? I really want to to see what this present is. The first of the two posts you posted right above mine was posted at 1:45 AM my time. Its friday, so I can stay up today.