Need help with Nintendo account


Jul 17, 2013
Green Balloon
Green Feather
Green Heart Balloon
Green Feather
Green Balloon
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
May Birthstone (Emerald)
So I've been trying for a long time to change the e-mail on my Nintendo account that's linked to my Switch. It's currently linked to my university e-mail instead of personal, and I'd REALLY like to stop receiving Nintendo e-mails in that e-mail, especially since I don't use it anymore. I researched it and apparently with the release of NSO several years ago it's not possible to unlink an e-mail from a Nintendo Switch anymore? I really hope that's not the case.

If anyone has any idea if/how this could be solved, please let me know!

EDIT: Well, I've figured that it's pretty much impossible. It seems like once it's linked, you can't do anything about it. Sigh... thanks, Nintendo.
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This looks to be incorrect. Looking it up on Google leads to this support page on how to change the email address for your Nintendo account. Have you made sure you're in the right place? Since I can access my account page and see the option to change my email from the website linked in the support page.

Yes. I have tried that already. I submit my old e-mail, put in the verification code, then I put in my new e-mail, and in my new e-mail (my personal one), it says it's already registered with a Nintendo account. But I can only assume it's talking about my old e-mail being registered to my Nintendo account, because I have never linked my personal e-mail to a Nintendo account in any way, shape, or form.

Unless some random linked my personal e-mail to a Nintendo account without my consent, but I highly doubt it.

EDIT: I think I should just contact Nintendo customer support at this point.