So I've been trying for a long time to change the e-mail on my Nintendo account that's linked to my Switch. It's currently linked to my university e-mail instead of personal, and I'd REALLY like to stop receiving Nintendo e-mails in that e-mail, especially since I don't use it anymore. I researched it and apparently with the release of NSO several years ago it's not possible to unlink an e-mail from a Nintendo Switch anymore? I really hope that's not the case.
If anyone has any idea if/how this could be solved, please let me know!
EDIT: Well, I've figured that it's pretty much impossible. It seems like once it's linked, you can't do anything about it. Sigh... thanks, Nintendo.
If anyone has any idea if/how this could be solved, please let me know!
EDIT: Well, I've figured that it's pretty much impossible. It seems like once it's linked, you can't do anything about it. Sigh... thanks, Nintendo.
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