Need help with selling items/villagers etc


Senior Member
Jul 21, 2015

I am new to the forum! I only joined today.

I have so much stuff to clear out from my house and would like to giveaway/sell some of my items.

I also wouldn't mind making some of my villagers move out if anyone wanted them (apart from Wendy and Bonbon)

I just have a couple of questions surrounding how things work when doing these things online
  1. When selling, does the other person come to your town and put the bells on the floor, and you put down the item they are buying?
  2. I know how to eventually make villagers move out (not being very nice to them mostly!) but how are people getting them in boxes so quickly? I tried the two day time travel and it just isn't working!

I know they might sound like silly questions to someone who has been here a while, but any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Thank you!
Welcome to the forums Natalie!~ > v<b If you're selling, you can go to their town with the items they want and have them give you the bells at their town as well!~ I honestly prefer that method a lot more. It's really up to you though! Since either or can happen depending on the seller, unless you don't mind either options.

As for the villgers, I believe people time travel 2 days then they time travel again 2 days back. I'm not completely sure on this, I used to do it, but it's been so long ; v; Sorry! I know it's a really long process though if you are trying to get a certain villager out (since it's pretty much random on who wants to move).
Thank you! I was just wondering as I'm going to list some of my items tonight/tomorrow :)

I thought it was 2 days forward one day back, I might have been doing it wrong hehe xD

Thanks for the help
No problem at all! c:

Ahhh nooo it's a maybe for what I said about the time travel. I'm not 100% sure, but I'll see if I can find out for sure for you! c: Unless someone else can tell you! There's a lot of people who know how to do it I think XD
That's ok, I'll do some internet searching :) Thanks again for your help! Love your artwork on your shop by the way :)