Need help.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2015
I just got Francine to move in from another town, I plot reset and then there's no sign of Francines plot house (I checked my entire town three times) and then Francine is in my campsite, saying she can move in.
Is Francine still going to move in if I ignore this other Francine?

Mkay, now campsite Francine says shes going to move in... Will I get two Francines or something?
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that's never happened and i don't believe it can! it'd be so funny if it did
though. and congrats on getting her to move in! (?・∀・`)​
that's really strange. sounds like somehow the original adoption of Francine didn't go through... she wouldn't have showed up
in your campsite if it did. but the game makes it impossible to have two of the same villager
Now her house is on the map, her house is invisible, I got a letter saying shes not moving in and my game crashes when I click her house. :\

Nevermind actually, I just read a old thread of the same problem. Time to reset my town. ;---;
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