Need inspiration!


˚。 Strawberries 。˚
May 22, 2020
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
White Cosmos
Tasty Cake
Red Cosmos
I'm in need of inspiration. I have so many ideas but struggling with how to go about designing or where to start. If anybody has any farms, campsites, stores, markets, graveyards, spas, beaches and cafes to show I'd love to see them! I'd also be happy to open my gates for feedback on what I could do and how to improve my island. :)
Have you tried searching for videos on YouTube? That’s what helped me! I was able to choose exactly what aesthetic I wanted and got some great ideas from others creativity. Pinterest is also great for decorating tips/design ideas. Failing that, I always find a trip to the screenshot topic in the pinned threads really inspiring as there are so many creative users on this site! ♡
When I'm stuck for inspiration I like visiting dream addresses, either by looking at the thread in the airport section or by selecting the option of a random dream, I've managed to gather a lot of ideas by exploring other peoples lovely items in the dream mechanic and I find it to be quite relaxing too. Otherwise I also use Pinterest to look at photos to get inspiration for certain themes or areas of the island which I've found useful as I can keep the picture saved and look back on it for reference when decorating.
I have been there many times. It is not the easiest to make a structured path and stick to it.I would recommend you to go on Pinterest like JemAC said above, create a personal folder and go on saving those areas that inspire you the most. I used to do that before but now, I really am quite inspired by looking up real places, monuments, museums, etc. Trying to recreate those is fun and makes for a rather charming area in your island, trust me! Nothing has inspired me as much as that. You could also make another folder for pictures that simply speak to you. It might sound silly, but saving pictures even if just for the "vibes" or aesthetics it gives off might inspire you greatly!