Need someone to hold some stuff while I reset my town


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2017
Daisy Easter Egg
Jingle Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Silver Mailbox
100% (38) +
Friend code is 5000-2632-3211. I'm wondering if anyone would be willing to hold some stuff for me while I reset my town. I randomly decided to start all over from the beginning.

Thanks! I can pay you in Bells if you wish.
How much stuff do you have and how much time would it take? I'm going camping tomorrow but Ill be on for the next 7 hours or so if that works :)

No payment necessary :)
I can come now and have five sections of storage of stuff. I'll set up my new town right away and come get everything as soon as I'm able to.

Sorry, I was getting everything together and then Quillson invited himself over. Then the board went down for me. But I am ready when you are.
Added you and opening now! My FC is in my signature or on the side :)

My town plaza is empty and Ill remove some paths near the train station for easy drop off. Ill also clear out some stuff in my locker in case there's not enough space :)

I may occasionally be afk. Also, I have all of the fruits if you want me to put together some baskets for you too :)