I've never left a negative rating, partly because I watch strangers in my town like a hawk. I've had several people try to leave my sight on purpose and I turned the wi-fi off on them, but I didn't leave negative ratings because I had no proof of them trying to steal or destroy anything in my town.
The thing that worries me though is that it could become a he said / she said kind of thing when people leave negative ratings for each other. Whose story would the staff believe? I suppose I'd feel less nervous about it now if it were my 280+ wi-fi rating against a newer user without much history on this site, but for newer users visiting or trading, I can see how this could get messy.
I've had issues with unwarranted negative feedback, but never had to give any
also, even if someone did leave negative feedback out of revenge for one you gave, you could just bring it up with the staff to have them remove. don't be afraid of leaving negative feedback if you feel it's warranted. the system exists for a reason, after all
The thing that worries me though is that it could become a he said / she said kind of thing when people leave negative ratings for each other. Whose story would the staff believe? I suppose I'd feel less nervous about it now if it were my 280+ wi-fi rating against a newer user without much history on this site, but for newer users visiting or trading, I can see how this could get messy.
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