Never Do Business With nick1.2.3.4


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2008
As a fair warning to you all. Never trade with nick1.2.3.4. Our deal was that I'd give him a hero's cap for 500,000 bells, but he forced me out of his town after he got it and before I got my money. Now he won't let me back in to reclaim my hero's cap.
there should be a thread just for scammer's cause thier's just a bunch of threads going around and people don't know who they are or where to look so their should just be one thread lol so everyone knows who to watch out for....
or like i said just make one thread about scammer's like put there names on it so people only have to go to one place and not all over trying to find the discussions...
lilshortay said:
there should be a thread just for scammer's cause thier's just a bunch of threads going around and people don't know who they are or where to look so their should just be one thread lol so everyone knows who to watch out for....
There is I made it it sank you the bottom of the board i'll bring it back
its look at the box art and the style of the game and you think, "oh what a nice relaxing, happy game", and yet you get people stealing and making people more and more untrustworthy, really angers me
If this continues on, the Auction House will most likely be closed off from members who aren't a specific number of days hold and/or hold a specific rank.

Why do people scam anyways? It's just so dumb.
That's bad!!! Like real bad!!! I'd never do that!!! As some may know, my Green Thumb business is so not like that. I personally think if something like this is happening, then perhaps the admins will have to ask for an item from them do security checks and stuff like that.
Mickey said:
If this continues on, the Auction House will most likely be closed off from members who aren't a specific number of days hold and/or hold a specific rank.

Why do people scam anyways? It's just so dumb.
Heres a nuber ofreasins why.

A)they cant play the game properly.
B)there poor and cant learn to amek money
And erm i fergot some other reasins but you get the point.
Now you know why coffeh says 'no' to random nubs. You have to trust the person before you wifi with them. :/
coffeebean! said:
Now you know why coffeh says 'no' to random nubs. You have to trust the person before you wifi with them. :/
Which is almost exactly why I never let anyone come into my town or go to someone else's town if it pertains to purchasing/selling something. The only reasons I've gone into someone else's town was to pick up stuff or purchase Turnips from somebody else's town =/
I tend to have customers come to my shop who are old members. And no one has forced me out without the pay. So yeah. I am agreeing with coffeh.