Never have I ever...

i haven’t. i have no upper body strength lol.

never have i ever had a new year’s kiss.
I haven’t kissed anyone period, so no.

Never have I ever driven a car.
I have, but it’s been a while (like 4 years, wow O_o ). My new year’s resolution is to get my permit again as well as my license.

Never have I ever been to the arctic.
i haven’t, though i would love to go one day! seems so magical there. 🥺

never have i ever met a celebrity before.
I have. I’ve met Ralph Macchio from Karate Kid, more recently Cobra Kai. I even got his autograph. He’s the reason I started martial arts.

Never have I ever cried myself to sleep.
Honestly, can't say I have. Maybe when I was a baby? But I've went to bed upset and the such of course.

Never have I ever traveled/went to Europe.
I've travelled around several European countries in the past.

Never have I ever been more happy to get back to normal after the Christmas holidays.
I don't know if 'normal' is the right word because literally all the snow melted after Christmas, but I digress - I don't believe I've ever felt that way after the holidays.

Never have I ever had a severe cooking disaster.
I have! Somebody left a plastic tray with food on it in the oven and I wasnt aware of it, so I turned on the oven to pre-heat and the entire tray melted and we had to air out the house for a good couple of hours. Im glad it was summer, this was maybe 10 years ago now.

Never have I ever had a bad experience at a restaurant.