never mined

It does.. thats how i got it when i didnt have wi-fi. A faster way i got it was from buying large amounts of paper (doesnt run out) That helps alot.

EDIT: how do you think other people got it? *rolls eyes*
nintendowii2009 said:
It does.. thats how i got it when i didnt have wi-fi. A faster way i got it was from buying large amounts of paper (doesnt run out) That helps alot.
how much did you buy? :O :gyroiddance:
To get nookingtons I'm pretty sure you have to get someone from another town to buy something at your store. It doesn't have to be wifi, it can be Wireless Communications too.
kenziegirl said:
Waluigi said:
Do you know anyone in real life that has ACWW?
I started this topic to have people come to my town.
I know, I'm saying that you can get someone you know in real life to come to your town and buy something from nook to get nookingtons.
Waluigi said:
kenziegirl said:
Waluigi said:
Do you know anyone in real life that has ACWW?
I started this topic to have people come to my town.
I know, I'm saying that you can get someone you know in real life to come to your town and buy something from nook to get nookingtons.
I make planes for my friends, but then they cant...