Never noticed the night themes were so great!

Savont 2.0

Nov 25, 2024
Pear (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Light Green Scenery
User Title Color Change (Seashells)
Tin Robot
So I go to bed fairly early and usually play acnh for about an hour around 5 pm, so I rarely hear other music.
i never knew 12-5 am had such good tunes, i was listening to them on yt and they might be my favourite.
i've been playing less recently, but thats just because i got hooked on assasins creed.
So i guess im a fan of ac and ac XD
I kind of agree with you, I think 12AM, 2AM, and 5AM are some of the best hourly themes in the game. But then… 3AM sucks. It sounds really, really dumb, but not in a super funny way or anything. It’s just a war crime. I don’t think 1AM or 4AM are particularly noteworthy (which is kind of sad since those were the best ones in New Leaf) but I’d definitely take them over 3AM. Worst hourly theme in the entire franchise. When I am playing the game, I never really hear most of these since the latest I’ll stay up is usually 12.
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I kind of agree with you, I think 12AM, 2AM, and 5AM are some of the best hourly themes in the game. But then… 3AM sucks. It sounds really, really dumb, but not in a super funny way or anything. It’s just a war crime. I don’t think 1AM or 4AM are particularly noteworthy (which is kind of sad since those were the best ones in New Leaf) but I’d definitely take them over 3AM. Worst hourly theme in the entire franchise. When I am playing the game, I never really hear most of these since the latest I’ll stay up is usually 12.
yeas i agree 3 am is boring but i like the synth at 4 am but ther than that it is boring
Other than the 1 AM soundtrack in Wild World and the 3 AM soundtrack in New Leaf, the nightly hourly tunes (specifically in the darkest hours of the night (12 AM to 5:59 AM) have never been that good. Then came ACNH, where all of the hourly songs (except for 3 AM and its duck sounds) in the darkest hours are the peak of the hourly tunes.
The 2AM track is one of my favorites from the game, even though I'm never up playing the game at that time. I really do like the 12AM music. 3AM is a travesty. 1AM and 4AM may not be as bad, but they're also not that delightful to hear either.

Overall, I think that the game does a great job with its hourly music and having the right "vibe" for it. A new day starts at 5AM for the game, and that soundtrack sounds perfect for a sleepy wake up. No rush, no sense of urgency, just starting to wake up. On the other side of the world, however... 5PM? No. I don't know why, but it is definitely one that I do NOT like whatsoever. Thankfully both the 4PM and the 6PM tracks are great. The only thing I can figure is that 5PM = leave work and they wanted to create that sense of "HURRY UP AND RUN AWAY" and put it in music. But it makes me want to run away from the game at that hour.
11 pm New Leaf is still my alltime favourite AC night soundtrack. It still gives me the feels even though I no longer have the game or 3DS console.
I used to work the night shift till late so when I would get home I would play around 10:30ish and later and I always loved the music and vibe playing at that time of night :)
I'm a night owl so I used to play in the late hours pretty often, though it's been so long I had to quickly look up the 12-5AM tracks, as the only one I could remember initially off the top of my head was the 2AM track. The 5AM is so nice too, though I've barely heard it since that's rather late even for me haha. It's a shame that most people probably miss out on that one. :0 Those two are probably my favourites though! The 3AM track isn't my thing, but it's kind of funny because it's always reminded me of like, slightly chaotic/unhinged 3AM vibes (fellow night owls probably know what I mean lol). I'm not a fan of the ACNH hourly music in general if I'm being honest, but I'd say I lean towards the evening-early morning tracks for sure.
I often play during late hours. The music's alright but I still like the New Leaf music more. Most of the ACNH music is ok but I can't stand 3AM, to the point I'd rather turn it down and put on youtube or something.
I kind of agree with you, I think 12AM, 2AM, and 5AM are some of the best hourly themes in the game. But then… 3AM sucks. It sounds really, really dumb, but not in a super funny way or anything. It’s just a war crime. I don’t think 1AM or 4AM are particularly noteworthy (which is kind of sad since those were the best ones in New Leaf) but I’d definitely take them over 3AM. Worst hourly theme in the entire franchise. When I am playing the game, I never really hear most of these since the latest I’ll stay up is usually 12.

Omg I’m legit excited to find another 2PM enjoyer / 3AM hater. UNITE, 3AM is like “what if we did GameCube 2AM but it sucked lol”

Not like I think 2PM is one of the BEST but I actively enjoy it 👍 I thought people would maybe hate the goofy main instrument as a joke or smth but not the whole song… if it werent for this forum I wouldn’t know people actually dislike it…

ALSO 3AM comes right after 2AM which is a beautiful track and its like how dare u…
I like the tunes. I have a hard time decorating at night becuase I'll over do the light up items and then it looks bad during the day. I wish there was a point at night when it would get really dark.
i'm guilty of TTing just to get the particular music/vibe i want. i love the early morning songs so much (just wish everything was open then lol).
I don't usually play the game with the sound on because the background music when you're on your own island is kind of bad, but I do love the 5:00 a.m. soundtrack! It sounds genuinely peaceful and not obnoxious.